Stephan K. Matthai
Stephan K. Matthai
Professor, habil., PhD
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Electrokinetic coupling in unsaturated porous media
A Revil, N Linde, A Cerepi, D Jougnot, S Matthäi, S Finsterle
Journal of colloid and interface science 313 (1), 315-327, 2007
Combining finite element and finite volume methods for efficient multiphase flow simulations in highly heterogeneous and structurally complex geologic media
S Geiger, S Roberts, SK Matthäi, C Zoppou, A Burri
Geofluids 4 (4), 284-299, 2004
Fluid flow partitioning between fractures and a permeable rock matrix
SK Matthäi, M Belayneh
Geophysical Research Letters 31 (7), 2004
Numerical simulation of multi-phase fluid flow in structurally complex reservoirs
SK Matthäi, S Geiger, SG Roberts, A Paluszny, M Belayneh, A Burri, ...
Black-oil simulations for three-component, three-phase flow in fractured porous media
S Geiger, S Matthäi, J Niessner, R Helmig
SPE journal 14 (02), 338-354, 2009
Numerical study of the effects of particle shape and polydispersity on permeability
X Garcia, LT Akanji, MJ Blunt, SK Matthai, JP Latham
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 80 (2 …, 2009
Finite element–node-centered finite-volume two-phase-flow experiments with fractured rock represented by unstructured hybrid-element meshes
SK Matthäi, A Mezentsev, M Belayneh
SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 10 (06), 740-756, 2007
Streaming current generation in two‐phase flow conditions
N Linde, D Jougnot, A Revil, SK Matthäi, T Arora, D Renard, C Doussan
Geophysical Research Letters 34 (3), 2007
Hybrid finite element–finite volume discretization of complex geologic structures and a new simulation workflow demonstrated on fractured rocks
A Paluszny, SK Matthäi, M Hohmeyer
Geofluids 7 (2), 186-208, 2007
Control-volume finite-element two-phase flow experiments with fractured rock represented by unstructured 3D hybrid meshes
SK Matthäi, A Mezentsev, M Belayneh
SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, SPE-93341-MS, 2005
Coal composition and structural variation with rank and its influence on the coal-moisture interactions under coal seam temperature conditions–A review article
MAA Ahamed, MSA Perera, SK Matthai, PG Ranjith, L Dong-yin
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 180, 901-917, 2019
CH4CO2 gas exchange and supercritical CO2 based hydraulic fracturing as CBM production-accelerating techniques: A review
K Sampath, MSA Perera, PG Ranjith, SK Matthai, T Rathnaweera, ...
Journal of CO2 Utilization 22, 212-230, 2017
Comparison of three FE-FV numerical schemes for single-and two-phase flow simulation of fractured porous media
HM Nick, SK Matthäi
Transport in porous media 90, 421-444, 2011
Numerical simulation of water injection into layered fractured carbonate reservoir analogs
M Belayneh, S Geiger, SK Matthai
AAPG bulletin 90 (10), 1473-1493, 2006
Proppant damage mechanisms in coal seam reservoirs during the hydraulic fracturing process: A review
MAA Ahamed, MSA Perera, L Dong-yin, PG Ranjith, SK Matthai
Fuel 253, 615-629, 2019
Numerical modeling of discrete multi-crack growth applied to pattern formation in geological brittle media
A Paluszny, SK Matthäi
International Journal of Solids and Structures 46 (18-19), 3383-3397, 2009
Multiphase thermohaline convection in the earth’s crust: I. A new finite element–finite volume solution technique combined with a new equation of state for NaCl–H 2 O
S Geiger, T Driesner, CA Heinrich, SK Matthäi
Transport in Porous Media 63, 399-434, 2006
The dynamics of mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal systems: Splitting plumes and fluctuating vent temperatures
D Coumou, T Driesner, S Geiger, CA Heinrich, S Matthäi
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 245 (1-2), 218-231, 2006
Simulation of solute transport through fractured rock: a higher-order accurate finite-element finite-volume method permitting large time steps
SK Matthäi, HM Nick, C Pain, I Neuweiler
Transport in porous media 83, 289-318, 2010
Numerical simulation of departures from radial drawdown in a faulted sandstone reservoir with joints and deformation bands
SK Matthäi, A Aydin, DD Pollard, SG Roberts
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 147 (1), 157-191, 1998
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Artigos 1–20