Gustavo Lannelongue
Gustavo Lannelongue
Profesor de Organización de Empresas (usal)
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Scholarly impact revisited
H Aguinis, I Suárez-González, G Lannelongue, H Joo
Academy of Management Perspectives 26 (2), 105-132, 2012
Stakeholders and environmental management systems: a synergistic influence on environmental imbalance
J González-Benito, G Lannelongue, D Queiruga
Journal of Cleaner Production 19 (14), 1622-1630, 2011
Environmental management and labour productivity: The moderating role of capital intensity
G Lannelongue, J Gonzalez-Benito, I Quiroz
Journal of environmental management 190, 158-169, 2017
Integrating green practices into operational performance: Evidence from Brazilian manufacturers
H Santos, G Lannelongue, J Gonzalez-Benito
Sustainability 11 (10), 2956, 2019
The effect of green purchasing on purchasing performance: the moderating role played by long-term relationships and strategic integration
J González-Benito, G Lannelongue, LM Ferreira, C Gonzalez-Zapatero
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 31 (2), 312-324, 2016
Study of supply-chain management in the automotive industry: a bibliometric analysis
J González-Benito, G Lannelongue, JA Alfaro-Tanco
International Journal of Production Research 51 (13), 3849-3863, 2013
Evolution of the electronic waste management system in Spain
D Queiruga, JG Benito, G Lannelongue
Journal of cleaner production 24, 56-65, 2012
Opportunism and environmental management systems: Certification as a smokescreen for stakeholders
G Lannelongue, J González-Benito
Ecological Economics 82, 11-22, 2012
Input, output, and environmental management productivity: effects on firm performance
G Lannelongue, J Gonzalez‐Benito, O Gonzalez‐Benito
Business Strategy and the Environment 24 (3), 145-158, 2015
Antecedents of functional integration during new product development: The purchasing–marketing link
C Gonzalez-Zapatero, J Gonzalez-Benito, G Lannelongue
Industrial Marketing Management 52, 47-59, 2016
Implementation of the Brc food safety management system in Latin American countries: Motivations and barriers
L Rincon-Ballesteros, G Lannelongue, J Gonzalez-Benito
Food Control 106, 106715, 2019
Environmental motivations: The pathway to complete environmental management
G Lannelongue, O Gonzalez-Benito, J Gonzalez-Benito
Journal of Business Ethics 124, 135-147, 2014
Time compression diseconomies in environmental management: The effect of assimilation on environmental performance
G Lannelongue, J Gonzalez-Benito, O Gonzalez-Benito, ...
Journal of environmental management 147, 203-212, 2015
Using fit perspectives to explain supply chain risk management efficacy
C González-Zapatero, J González-Benito, G Lannelongue, LM Ferreira
International Journal of Production Research 59 (17), 5272-5283, 2021
Understanding how the functional integration of purchasing and marketing accelerates new product development
C Gonzalez-Zapatero, J Gonzalez-Benito, G Lannelongue
International Journal of Production Economics 193, 770-780, 2017
An integrated approach to explain the manufacturing function's contribution to business performance
J Gonzalez-Benito, G Lannelongue
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 34 (9), 1126-1152, 2014
Effective implementation of a food safety management system and its relationship with business motivations
L Rincon-Ballesteros, G Lannelongue, J González-Benito
British Food Journal 123 (3), 990-1011, 2021
Técnicas de ayuda en el proceso de aprendizaje: el caso de los sistemas anticopia
J Matías-Pereda, GL Nieto
Teoría de la Educación. Educación y Cultura en la Sociedad de la Información …, 2013
Effect of purchasing and marketing integration on new product development speed: The moderating role of environmental dynamism
C González-Zapatero, J González-Benito, G Lannelongue
Advances in Production Engineering & Management 14 (2), 213-224, 2019
In search of optimal management of the purchasing–marketing interface for new product development
C González-Zapatero, J González-Benito, G Lannelongue, JCKH Riedel
Production planning & control 31 (7), 575-589, 2020
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Artigos 1–20