Camilo A. F. Salvador
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Laser welding of H-phase strengthened Ni-rich NiTi-20Zr high temperature shape memory alloy
JP Oliveira, J Shen, JD Escobar, CAF Salvador, N Schell, N Zhou, ...
Materials & Design 202, 109533, 2021
Materials selection of optimized titanium alloys for aircraft applications
RA Antunes, CAF Salvador, MCL Oliveira
Materials Research 21, e20170979, 2018
Compositional analysis on the reverted austenite and tempered martensite in a Ti-stabilized supermartensitic stainless steel: Segregation, partitioning and carbide precipitation
JD Escobar, JD Poplawsky, GA Faria, J Rodriguez, JP Oliveira, ...
Materials & Design 140, 95-105, 2018
α phase precipitation and mechanical properties of Nb-modified Ti-5553 alloy
VC Opini, CAF Salvador, KN Campo, ESN Lopes, RR Chaves, R Caram
Materials Science and Engineering: A 670, 112-121, 2016
A compilation of experimental data on the mechanical properties and microstructural features of Ti-alloys
CAF Salvador, EL Maia, FH Costa, JD Escobar, JP Oliveira
Scientific data 9 (1), 188, 2022
Effects of double-aging heat-treatments on the microstructure and mechanical behavior of an Nb-modified Ti-5553 alloy
CAF Salvador, VC Opini, MG Mello, R Caram
Materials Science and Engineering: A 743, 716-725, 2019
The effect of Zr and Sn additions on the microstructure of Ti-Nb-Fe gum metals with high elastic admissible strain
MR Dal Bó, CAF Salvador, MG Mello, DD Lima, GA Faria, AJ Ramirez, ...
Materials & Design 160, 1186-1195, 2018
The effect of Sn addition on phase stability and phase evolution during aging heat treatment in Ti-Mo alloys employed as biomaterials
RC Mariana G. de Mello, Camilo F. Salvador, Alessandra Cremasco
Materials Characterization 110, 5;13, 2015
Microstructure, Mechanical Properties, and Electrochemical Behavior of Ti-Nb-Fe Alloys Applied as Biomaterials
RC Eder S. N. Lopes, Camilo A. F. Salvador, Denis R. Andrade, Alessandra ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 47 (6), 3213-3226, 2016
Orthorhombic martensite formation upon aging in a Ti-30Nb-4Sn alloy
CAF Salvador, ESN Lopes, CA Ospina, R Caram
Materials Chemistry and Physics 183, 238-246, 2016
Meta-equilibrium transition microstructure for maximum austenite stability and minimum hardness in a Ti-stabilized supermartensitic stainless steel
JD Escobar, JP Oliveira, CAF Salvador, GA Faria, JD Poplawsky, ...
Materials & Design 156, 609-621, 2018
Solute lean Ti-Nb-Fe alloys: an exploratory study
CAF Salvador, MR Dal Bó, FH Costa, MO Taipina, ESN Lopes, R Caram
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 65, 761-769, 2017
Discovery of low-modulus Ti-Nb-Zr alloys based on machine learning and first-principles calculations
CAF Salvador, BF Zornio, CR Miranda
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (51), 56850-56861, 2020
Alpha phase precipitation in Ti-30Nb-1Fe alloys–phase transformations in continuous heating and aging heat treatments
FH da Costa, CAF Salvador, MG de Mello, R Caram
Materials Science and Engineering: A 677, 222-229, 2016
Double-step inter-critical tempering of a supermartensitic stainless steel: Evolution of hardness, microstructure and elemental partitioning
JD Escobar, JP Oliveira, CAF Salvador, AP Tschiptschin, PR Mei, ...
Materials Characterization 158, 109994, 2019
Microstructure evolution of Ti–30Nb–(4Sn) alloys during classical and step-quench aging heat treatments
CAF Salvador, VC Opini, ESN Lopes, R Caram
Materials Science and Technology 33 (4), 400-407, 2017
High strength biomedical Ti–13Mo–6Sn alloy: Processing routes, microstructural evolution and mechanical behavior
MG de Mello, CAF Salvador, L Fanton, R Caram
Materials Science and Engineering: A 764, 138190, 2019
FCAW repair welding cycles, HAZ microstructure and corrosion resistance of 2304 duplex stainless steel
RAA Camilo F Salvador
Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology The 51 (8), 573-580, 2016
Experimental and computational investigation of Ti-Nb-Fe-Zr alloys with limited Fe contents for biomedical applications
CAF Salvador, MR Dal Bo, DD Lima, CR Miranda, R Caram
Journal of Materials Science 56, 11494-11510, 2021
Selection of Ti‐alloys for bio‐implants: An application of the Ashby approach with conflicting objectives.
CAF Salvador, HP Van Landeghem, RA Antunes
Advanced Engineering Materials, 2023
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