Spherical metrics with conical singularities on a 2-sphere: angle constraints G Mondello, D Panov
International Mathematics Research Notices 2016 (16), 4937-4995, 2016
83 2016 Triangulated Riemann surfaces with boundary and the Weil-Petersson Poisson structure G Mondello
Journal of Differential Geometry 81 (2), 391-436, 2009
56 2009 A cyclic extension of the earthquake flow I F Bonsante, G Mondello, JM Schlenker
Geometry & Topology 17 (1), 157-234, 2013
42 2013 Combinatorial classes on are tautological G Mondello
International Mathematics Research Notices 2004 (44), 2329-2390, 2004
42 2004 Spherical surfaces with conical points: systole inequality and moduli spaces with many connected components G Mondello, D Panov
Geometric and Functional Analysis 29, 1110-1193, 2019
39 2019 The fine structure of the moduli space of abelian differentials in genus 3 E Looijenga, G Mondello
Geometriae Dedicata 169, 109-128, 2014
32 2014 Riemann surfaces, ribbon graphs and combinatorial classes G Mondello
Handbook of Teichmüller theory 2, 151-215, 2009
32 2009 A cyclic extension of the earthquake flow II F Bonsante, G Mondello, JM Schlenker
Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure 48 (4), 811-859, 2015
30 2015 Topology of representation spaces of surface groups in PSL (2, R) with assigned boundary monodromy and nonzero Euler number G Mondello
arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.04634, 2016
29 2016 Riemann surfaces with boundary and natural triangulations of the Teichmüller space G Mondello
Journal of the European Mathematical Society 13 (3), 635-684, 2011
18 2011 Moduli of spherical tori with one conical point A Eremenko, G Mondello, D Panov
Geometry & Topology 27 (9), 3619-3698, 2023
15 2023 A remark on the homotopical dimension of some moduli spaces of stable Riemann surfaces G Mondello
Journal of the European Mathematical Society 10 (1), 231-241, 2008
13 2008 On the cohomological dimension of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces G Mondello
10 2017 A criterion of convergence in the augmented Teichmüller space G Mondello
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 41 (4), 733-746, 2009
9 2009 Two remarks on the Weierstrass flag E Arbarello, G Mondello
arXiv preprint arXiv:1204.6669, 2012
8 2012 Poisson structures on the Teichmüller space of hyperbolic surfaces with conical points G Mondello
arXiv preprint arXiv:0812.1602, 2008
8 2008 Moduli spaces for Lamé functions and Abelian differentials of the second kind A Eremenko, A Gabrielov, G Mondello, D Panov
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 24 (02), 2150028, 2022
6 2022 Ergodic invariant measures on the space of geodesic currents V Erlandsson, G Mondello
Annales de l'Institut Fourier 72 (6), 2449-2513, 2022
5 2022 Combinatorial classes on the moduli space of curves are tautological G Mondello
arXiv preprint math/0303207, 2003
5 2003 Ergodic invariant measures on the space of geodesic currents V Erlandsson, G Mondello
arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.02144, 2018
4 2018