Stefan Kowarik
Stefan Kowarik
University of Graz, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
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Step-by-step route for the synthesis of metal− organic frameworks
O Shekhah, H Wang, S Kowarik, F Schreiber, M Paulus, M Tolan, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (49), 15118-15119, 2007
Biomolecular recognition based on single gold nanoparticle light scattering
G Raschke, S Kowarik, T Franzl, C Sönnichsen, TA Klar, J Feldmann, ...
Nano letters 3 (7), 935-938, 2003
Real-time observation of structural and orientational transitions during growth of organic thin films
S Kowarik, A Gerlach, S Sellner, F Schreiber, L Cavalcanti, O Konovalov
Physical Review Letters 96 (12), 125504, 2006
Tuning the work function of polar zinc oxide surfaces using modified phosphonic acid self‐assembled monolayers
I Lange, S Reiter, M Pätzel, A Zykov, A Nefedov, J Hildebrandt, S Hecht, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 24 (44), 7014-7024, 2014
Organic molecular beam deposition: fundamentals, growth dynamics, and in situstudies
S Kowarik, A Gerlach, F Schreiber
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (18), 184005, 2008
Impact of white light illumination on the electronic and chemical structures of mixed halide and single crystal perovskites
FS Zu, P Amsalem, I Salzmann, RB Wang, M Ralaiarisoa, S Kowarik, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 5 (9), 1700139, 2017
Optical properties of pentacene and perfluoropentacene thin films
A Hinderhofer, U Heinemeyer, A Gerlach, S Kowarik, RMJ Jacobs, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 127 (19), 2007
Exciton-phonon coupling in diindenoperylene thin films
U Heinemeyer, R Scholz, L Gisslén, MI Alonso, JO Ossó, M Garriga, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (8), 085210, 2008
Fiber optic train monitoring with distributed acoustic sensing: Conventional and neural network data analysis
S Kowarik, MT Hussels, S Chruscicki, S Münzenberger, A Lämmerhirt, ...
Sensors 20 (2), 450, 2020
Unravelling the multilayer growth of the fullerene C60 in real time
S Bommel, N Kleppmann, C Weber, H Spranger, P Schäfer, J Novák, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 5388, 2014
Molecular reorganization in organic field-effect transistors and its effect on two-dimensional charge transport pathways
F Liscio, C Albonetti, K Broch, A Shehu, SD Quiroga, L Ferlauto, C Frank, ...
ACS nano 7 (2), 1257-1264, 2013
Structure, morphology, and growth dynamics of perfluoro‐pentacene thin films
S Kowarik, A Gerlach, A Hinderhofer, S Milita, F Borgatti, F Zontone, ...
physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters 2 (3), 120-122, 2008
Energy-dispersive X-ray reflectivity and GID for real-time growth studies of pentacene thin films
S Kowarik, A Gerlach, W Leitenberger, J Hu, G Witte, C Wöll, U Pietsch, ...
Thin Solid Films 515 (14), 5606-5610, 2007
Formation of carboxy-and amide-terminated alkyl monolayers on Silicon (111) investigated by ATR-FTIR, XPS, and X-ray scattering: construction of photoswitchable surfaces
K Rück-Braun, MÅ Petersen, F Michalik, A Hebert, D Przyrembel, ...
Langmuir 29 (37), 11758-11769, 2013
Band-offset engineering in organic/inorganic semiconductor hybrid structures
S Blumstengel, H Glowatzki, S Sadofev, N Koch, S Kowarik, JP Rabe, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12 (37), 11642-11646, 2010
Real-time studies of thin film growth: Measurement and analysis of X-ray growth oscillations beyond the anti-Bragg point
S Kowarik, A Gerlach, MWA Skoda, S Sellner, F Schreiber
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 167 (1), 11-18, 2009
Light-controlled “molecular zippers” based on azobenzene main chain polymers
C Weber, T Liebig, M Gensler, L Pithan, S Bommel, D Bléger, JP Rabe, ...
Macromolecules 48 (5), 1531-1537, 2015
Real-time X-ray diffraction measurements of structural dynamics and polymorphism in diindenoperylene growth
S Kowarik, A Gerlach, S Sellner, L Cavalcanti, O Konovalov, F Schreiber
Applied Physics A 95 (1), 233-239, 2009
Anomalous roughness evolution of rubrene thin films observed in real time during growth
S Kowarik, A Gerlach, S Sellner, F Schreiber, J Pflaum, L Cavalcanti, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 8 (15), 1834-1836, 2006
Real-time dynamic strain sensing in optical fibers using artificial neural networks
S Liehr, LA Jäger, C Karapanagiotis, S Münzenberger, S Kowarik
Optics express 27 (5), 7405-7425, 2019
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Artigos 1–20