Jean-Baptiste Jouffray
Jean-Baptiste Jouffray
Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions, Stanford University
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Principles for knowledge co-production in sustainability research
AV Norström, C Cvitanovic, MF Löf, S West, C Wyborn, P Balvanera, ...
Nature sustainability 3 (3), 182-190, 2020
The blue acceleration: the trajectory of human expansion into the ocean
JB Jouffray, R Blasiak, AV Norström, H Österblom, M Nyström
One earth 2 (1), 43-54, 2020
Anatomy and resilience of the global production ecosystem
M Nyström, JB Jouffray, AV Norström, B Crona, P Søgaard Jørgensen, ...
Nature 575 (7781), 98-108, 2019
Transnational corporations and the challenge of biosphere stewardship
C Folke, H Österblom, JB Jouffray, EF Lambin, WN Adger, M Scheffer, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 3 (10), 1396-1403, 2019
Transnational corporations as ‘keystone actors’ in marine ecosystems
H Österblom, JB Jouffray, C Folke, B Crona, M Troell, A Merrie, ...
PloS one 10 (5), e0127533, 2015
Accounting and accountability in the Anthropocene
J Bebbington, H Österblom, B Crona, JB Jouffray, C Larrinaga, S Russell, ...
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 33 (1), 152-177, 2020
Identifying multiple coral reef regimes and their drivers across the Hawaiian archipelago
JB Jouffray, M Nyström, AV Norström, ID Williams, LM Wedding, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 370 …, 2015
Corporate control and global governance of marine genetic resources
R Blasiak, JB Jouffray, CCC Wabnitz, E Sundström, H Österblom
Science advances 4 (6), eaar5237, 2018
Tax havens and global environmental degradation
V Galaz, B Crona, A Dauriach, JB Jouffray, H Österblom, J Fichtner
Nature ecology & evolution 2 (9), 1352-1357, 2018
Guiding coral reef futures in the Anthropocene
AV Norström, M Nyström, JB Jouffray, C Folke, NAJ Graham, F Moberg, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14 (9), 490-498, 2016
The Ocean 100: Transnational corporations in the ocean economy
J Virdin, T Vegh, JB Jouffray, R Blasiak, S Mason, H Österblom, ...
Science Advances 7 (3), eabc8041, 2021
Emergence of a global science–business initiative for ocean stewardship
H Österblom, JB Jouffray, C Folke, J Rockström
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (34), 9038-9043, 2017
Coral reef ecology in the Anthropocene
GJ Williams, NAJ Graham, JB Jouffray, AV Norström, M Nyström, JM Gove, ...
Functional Ecology 33 (6), 1014-1022, 2019
Parsing human and biophysical drivers of coral reef regimes
JB Jouffray, LM Wedding, AV Norström, MK Donovan, GJ Williams, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1896), 20182544, 2019
Leverage points in the financial sector for seafood sustainability
JB Jouffray, B Crona, E Wassénius, J Bebbington, B Scholtens
Science Advances 5 (10), eaax3324, 2019
The shape of success in a turbulent world: wave exposure filtering of coral reef herbivory
S Bejarano, JB Jouffray, I Chollett, R Allen, G Roff, A Marshell, R Steneck, ...
Functional Ecology 31 (6), 1312-1324, 2017
Unlocking the potential of marine biodiscovery
JD Sigwart, R Blasiak, M Jaspars, JB Jouffray, D Tasdemir
Natural Product Reports 38 (7), 1235-1242, 2021
WTO must ban harmful fisheries subsidies
UR Sumaila, DJ Skerritt, A Schuhbauer, S Villasante, ...
Science 374 (6567), 544-544, 2021
Advancing the integration of spatial data to map human and natural drivers on coral reefs
LM Wedding, J Lecky, JM Gove, HR Walecka, MK Donovan, GJ Williams, ...
PLoS One 13 (3), e0189792, 2018
Combining fish and benthic communities into multiple regimes reveals complex reef dynamics
MK Donovan, AM Friedlander, J Lecky, JB Jouffray, GJ Williams, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 16943, 2018
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Artigos 1–20