Juan Ariel Levenson
Juan Ariel Levenson
Directeur de recherches CNRS
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Quantum non-demolition measurements in optics
P Grangier, JA Levenson, JP Poizat
Nature 396 (6711), 537-542, 1998
Spontaneous mirror-symmetry breaking in coupled photonic-crystal nanolasers
P Hamel, S Haddadi, F Raineri, P Monnier, G Beaudoin, I Sagnes, ...
Nature Photonics 9 (5), 311-315, 2015
Enhancement of second-harmonic generation in a one-dimensional semiconductor photonic band gap
Y Dumeige, P Vidakovic, S Sauvage, I Sagnes, JA Levenson, C Sibilia, ...
Applied Physics Letters 78 (20), 3021-3023, 2001
Reduction of quantum noise in optical parametric amplification
JA Levenson, RTGP Abram, I
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 10, 2233, 1993
Indistinguishable single photons from a single-quantum dot in a two-dimensional photonic crystal cavity
S Laurent, S Varoutsis, L Le Gratiet, A Lemaître, I Sagnes, F Raineri, ...
Applied Physics Letters 87, 163107, 2005
Quantum optical cloning amplifier
JA Levenson, I Abram, T Rivera, P Fayolle, JC Garreau, P Grangier
Physical review letters 70 (3), 267, 1993
Phase-matched frequency doubling at photonic band edges: efficiency scaling as the fifth power of the length
Y Dumeige, I Sagnes, P Monnier, P Vidakovic, I Abram, C Mériadec, ...
Physical review letters 89 (4), 43901, 2002
Photonic band edge effects in finite structures and applications to interactions
G d’Aguanno, M Centini, M Scalora, C Sibilia, Y Dumeige, P Vidakovic, ...
Physical Review E 64 (1), 016609, 2001
Ultraslow light propagation in an inhomogeneously broadened rare-earth ion-doped crystal
E Baldit, K Bencheikh, P Monnier, JA Levenson, V Rouget
Physical review letters 95 (14), 143601, 2005
Greater than 20%-efficient frequency doubling of 1532-nm nanosecond pulses in quasi-phase-matched germanosilicate optical fibers
V Pruneri, G Bonfrate, PG Kazansky, DJ Richardson, NG Broderick, ...
Optics Letters 24 (4), 208-210, 1999
Excitability and self-pulsing in a photonic crystal nanocavity
M Brunstein, AM Yacomotti, I Sagnes, F Raineri, L Bigot, A Levenson
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (3), 031803, 2012
Quantum nondemolition demonstration via repeated backaction evading measurements
K Bencheikh, JA Levenson, P Grangier, O Lopez
Physical review letters 75 (19), 3422, 1995
Fast thermo-optical excitability in a two-dimensional photonic crystal
AM Yacomotti, P Monnier, F Raineri, BB Bakir, C Seassal, R Raj, ...
Physical review letters 97 (14), 143904, 2006
Ultrafast dynamics of the third-order nonlinear response in a two-dimensional InP-based photonic crystal
F Raineri, C Cojocaru, P Monnier, A Levenson, R Raj, C Seassal, ...
Applied physics letters 85, 1880, 2004
Millisecond photon lifetime in a slow-light microcavity
V Huet, A Rasoloniaina, P Guillemé, P Rochard, P Féron, M Mortier, ...
Physical review letters 116 (13), 133902, 2016
Triple photons: a challenge in nonlinear and quantum optics
K Bencheikh, F Gravier, J Douady, A Levenson, B Boulanger
Comptes Rendus Physique 8 (2), 206-220, 2007
Intersubband carrier relaxation in highly excited GaAs/Ga 1− x Al x As multiple quantum wells
JA Levenson, G Dolique, JL Oudar, I Abram
Physical Review B 41 (6), 3688, 1990
Second-harmonic generation in a doubly resonant semiconductor microcavity
C Simonneau, JP Debray, JC Harmand, P Vidaković, DJ Lovering, ...
Optics letters 22 (23), 1775-1777, 1997
Identification of -like systems in and observation of electromagnetically induced transparency
E Baldit, K Bencheikh, P Monnier, S Briaudeau, JA Levenson, V Crozatier, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (14), 144303, 2010
Communication Enhancement through Quantum Coherent Control of N Channels in an Indefinite Causal-Order Scenario
LM Procopio, F Delgado, M Enríquez, N Belabas, JA Levenson
Entropy 21 (10), 1012, 2019
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