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Assoc. Prof. Fernando Benito LopezUniversidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko UnibertsitateaEmail confirmado em ehu.eus
Antonio J. RiccoInstrument Manager, NASA Ames Research CenterEmail confirmado em stanford.edu
Mercedes Crego-CalamaThermo Fisher ScientificEmail confirmado em thermofisher.com
Dermot KennyRoyal College of Surgeons in IrelandEmail confirmado em rcsi.ie
Luke P. LeeProfessor of Bioengineering, UC BerkeleyEmail confirmado em berkeley.edu
Udara Bimendra GunatilakeInstitute Charles Gerhardt Montpellier, France.Email confirmado em ehu.eus
Gerardene Meade-MurphyUniversity College Cork. Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics.Email confirmado em ucc.ie
Tugce AkyaziUniversidad de DeustoEmail confirmado em deusto.es
Ivan K. DimovStanford University Email confirmado em stanford.edu
Nigel J KentDublin City UniversityEmail confirmado em dcu.ie
Jose L Garcia-CorderoRoche Institute of Human BiologyEmail confirmado em cinvestav.mx
Brian MacCraithDublin City UniversityEmail confirmado em dcu.ie
Ram Prasad GandhiramanPresident & CEO, Space Foundry Inc.Email confirmado em spacefoundry.us
Alba Calatayud-SanchezPostdoctoral researcher, Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO)Email confirmado em icfo.eu
Janire SaezIkerbasque Research Fellow, University of the Basque CountryEmail confirmado em ehu.eus
Enrique Azuaje-HualdeUniversidad del País VascoEmail confirmado em ehu.eus
Jens DucréeDublin City University, IrelandEmail confirmado em dcu.ie
Albert van den BergMESA+ Institute and BIOS/Lab on a Chip group, University of Twente, the NetherlandsEmail confirmado em utwente.nl
Raquel Catalán CarrióPhD student, UPV/EHUEmail confirmado em ikasle.ehu.eus
Luis M. Liz-Marzán (ORCID 0000-000...CIC biomaGUNE; Ikerbasque; Ciber-BBN; University of VigoEmail confirmado em cicbiomagune.es