Improvements in the StArt tool to better support the systematic review process S Fabbri, C Silva, E Hernandes, F Octaviano, A Di Thommazo, A Belgamo Proceedings of the 20th international conference on evaluation and …, 2016 | 276 | 2016 |
Mutation analysis testing for finite state machines SCPF Fabbri, ME Delamaro, JC Maldonado, PC Masiero Proceedings of 1994 IEEE international symposium on software reliability …, 1994 | 216 | 1994 |
Replicating software engineering experiments: addressing the tacit knowledge problem F Shull, V Basili, J Carver, JC Maldonado, GH Travassos, M Mendonça, ... Proceedings international symposium on empirical software engineering, 7-16, 2002 | 206 | 2002 |
Knowledge-sharing issues in experimental software engineering F Shull, MG Mendoncça, V Basili, J Carver, JC Maldonado, S Fabbri, ... Empirical Software Engineering 9, 111-137, 2004 | 196 | 2004 |
Using GQM and TAM to evaluate StArt-a tool that supports Systematic Review E Hernandes, A Zamboni, S Fabbri, AD Thommazo CLEI Electronic Journal 15 (1), 3-3, 2012 | 195 | 2012 |
Revisão sistemática da literatura em engenharia de software: teoria e prática EY Nakagawa, KRF Scannavino, SCPF Fabbri, FC Ferrari Elsevier Brasil, 2017 | 187 | 2017 |
Mutation testing applied to validate specifications based on statecharts SCPF Fabbri, JC Maldonado, T Sugeta, PC Masiero Proceedings 10th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering …, 1999 | 171 | 1999 |
StArt uma ferramenta computacional de apoio à revisão sistemática A Zamboni, AD Thommazo, ECM Hernandes, S Fabbri Proc.: Congresso Brasileiro de Software (CBSoft’10), Salvador, Brazil, 91-96, 2010 | 131 | 2010 |
Mutation testing applied to validate specifications based on petri nets SCPF Fabbri, JC Maldonado, PC Masiero, ME Delamaro, E Wong Formal Description Techniques VIII: Proceedings of the IFIP TC6 Eighth …, 1996 | 110 | 1996 |
Perspective-based reading: a replicated experiment focused on individual reviewer effectiveness JC Maldonado, J Carver, F Shull, S Fabbri, E Dória, L Martimiano, ... Empirical Software Engineering 11, 119-142, 2006 | 100 | 2006 |
Mutation testing applied to estelle specifications SDRS De Souza, JC Maldonado, SCPF Fabbri, WL De Souza Software Quality Journal 8 (4), 285-301, 1999 | 86 | 1999 |
Initiatives and challenges of using gamification in software engineering: A Systematic Mapping D de Paula Porto, GM de Jesus, FC Ferrari, SCPF Fabbri Journal of Systems and Software 173, 110870, 2021 | 79 | 2021 |
Proteum/FSM: a tool to support finite state machine validation based on mutation testing SCPF Fabbri, JC Maldonado, ME Delamaro Proceedings. SCCC'99 XIX International Conference of the Chilean Computer …, 1999 | 75 | 1999 |
Proteum: A family of tools to support specification and program testing based on mutation JC Maldonado, ME Delamaro, SCPF Fabbri, A da Silva Simão, T Sugeta, ... Mutation testing for the new century, 113-116, 2001 | 69 | 2001 |
A framework for software engineering experimental replications MG Mendonça, JC Maldonado, MCF De Oliveira, J Carver, SCPF Fabbri, ... 13th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer …, 2008 | 65 | 2008 |
Managing Literature Reviews Information through Visualization. SCPF Fabbri, EM Hernandes, A Di Thommazo, A Belgamo, A Zamboni, ... ICEIS (2), 36-45, 2012 | 57 | 2012 |
Revisão Sistemática da Literatura em Engenharia de Software: teoria e prática KRF Scannavino, EY Nakagawa, SCPF Fabbri, FC Ferrari | 53 | 2017 |
Semi-automatic selection of primary studies in systematic literature reviews: is it reasonable? FR Octaviano, KR Felizardo, JC Maldonado, SCPF Fabbri Empirical Software Engineering 20, 1898-1917, 2015 | 47 | 2015 |
Externalising tacit knowledge of the systematic review process SCPF Fabbri, KR Felizardo, FC Ferrari, ECM Hernandes, FR Octaviano, ... IET software 7 (6), 298-307, 2013 | 45 | 2013 |
SRAT (Systematic Review Automatic Tool)-uma ferramenta computacional de apoio à Revisão Sistemática RP Montebelo, A Orlando, DP Porto, D Zaniro, S Fabbri V Experimental Software Engineering Latin American Workshop, ICMC-São Carlos 10, 2007 | 40 | 2007 |