Ernest van Lieshout
Ernest van Lieshout
Emeritus professor Special Education (Emeritus hoogleraar Onderwijsleerproblemen)
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Prevalence of combined reading and arithmetic disabilities
E Dirks, G Spyer, ECDM van Lieshout, L de Sonneville
Journal of learning disabilities 41 (5), 460-473, 2008
Individual differences in early numeracy: The role of executive functions and subitizing
EH Kroesbergen, JEH Van Luit, E Van Lieshout, E Van Loosbroek, ...
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 27 (3), 226-236, 2009
The effect of illustrations in arithmetic problem-solving: Effects of increased cognitive load
IE Berends, ECDM Van Lieshout
Learning and Instruction 19 (4), 345-353, 2009
Rekenproblemen en dyscalculie. Theorie, onderzoek, diagnostiek en behandeling
AJJM Ruijssenaars, JEH Van Luit, E Van Lieshout
Lemniscaat, 2004
Arithmetic difficulties in children with cerebral palsy are related to executive function and working memory
KM Jenks, J De Moor, ECDM Van Lieshout
Journal of child psychology and psychiatry 50 (7), 824-833, 2009
How do children deal with inconsistencies in text? An eye fixation and self-paced reading study in good and poor reading comprehenders
M van der Schoot, A Reijntjes, ECDM van Lieshout
Reading and Writing 25, 1665-1690, 2012
Longitudinal development of number line estimation and mathematics performance in primary school children
I Friso-van den Bos, EH Kroesbergen, JEH Van Luit, I Xenidou-Dervou, ...
Journal of experimental child psychology 134, 12-29, 2015
Individual differences in kindergarten math achievement: The integrative roles of approximation skills and working memory
I Xenidou-Dervou, B De Smedt, M van der Schoot, ECDM van Lieshout
Learning and Individual Differences 28, 119-129, 2013
The effect of cerebral palsy on arithmetic accuracy is mediated by working memory, intelligence, early numeracy, and instruction time
KM Jenks, J de Moor, ECDM van Lieshout, KGB Maathuis, I Keus, ...
Developmental neuropsychology 32 (3), 861-879, 2007
Lehrbuch der Entwicklungspsychologie: 14 Tabellen
FJ Mönks, AMP Knoers, A Marcoen, ECDM van Lieshout, YW Fuchs
Reinhardt, 1996
The consistency effect depends on markedness in less successful but not successful problem solvers: An eye movement study in primary school children
M Van der Schoot, AHB Arkema, TM Horsley, ECDM van Lieshout
Contemporary educational psychology 34 (1), 58-66, 2009
The role of two reading strategies in text comprehension: An eye fixation study in primary school children
M Van Der Schoot, AL Vasbinder, TM Horsley, ECDM Van Lieshout
Journal of Research in Reading 31 (2), 203-223, 2008
Nonsymbolic and symbolic magnitude comparison skills as longitudinal predictors of mathematical achievement
I Xenidou-Dervou, D Molenaar, D Ansari, M van der Schoot, ...
Learning and Instruction 50, 1-13, 2017
Cognitive predictors of children's development in mathematics achievement: A latent growth modeling approach
I Xenidou‐Dervou, JEH Van Luit, EH Kroesbergen, I Friso‐van den Bos, ...
Developmental Science 21 (6), e12671, 2018
Working memory in nonsymbolic approximate arithmetic processing: A dual‐task study with preschoolers
I Xenidou‐Dervou, ECDM van Lieshout, M van der Schoot
Cognitive Science 38 (1), 101-127, 2014
Gender-related effects of contemporary math instruction for low performers on problem-solving behavior
RE Timmermans, ECDM Van Lieshout, L Verhoeven
Learning and Instruction 17 (1), 42-54, 2007
Cognitive correlates of mathematical achievement in children with cerebral palsy and typically developing children
KM Jenks, ECDM van Lieshout, JMH de Moor
British journal of educational psychology 82 (1), 120-135, 2012
Lexical ambiguity resolution in good and poor comprehenders: An eye fixation and self-paced reading study in primary school children.
M Van der Schoot, AL Vasbinder, TM Horsley, A Reijntjes, ...
Journal of educational psychology 101 (1), 21, 2009
Manipulatives and number sentences in computer aided arithmetic word problem solving
BP Stellingwerf, ECDM Van Lieshout
Instructional Science 27, 459-476, 1999
The developmental onset of symbolic approximation: beyond nonsymbolic representations, the language of numbers matters
I Xenidou-Dervou, C Gilmore, M van der Schoot, ECDM van Lieshout
Frontiers in psychology 6, 487, 2015
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