Janne M. Koornneef
Janne M. Koornneef
Associate Professor in geochemistry, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
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Problems in obtaining precise and accurate Sr isotope analysis from geological materials using laser ablation MC-ICPMS
PZ Vroon, B Van Der Wagt, JM Koornneef, GR Davies
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 390, 465-476, 2008
Measurement of small ion beams by thermal ionisation mass spectrometry using new 10e13 Ohm resistors
JMK J.M. Koornneef, C. Bouman, J.B. Schwieters
Analytica Chimica Acta 819, 49-55, 2014
Melting of a two-component source beneath Iceland
JM Koornneef, A Stracke, B Bourdon, MA Meier, KP Jochum, B Stoll, ...
Journal of Petrology 53 (1), 127-157, 2012
Ubiquitous ultra-depleted domains in Earth’s mantle
A Stracke, F Genske, J Berndt, JM Koornneef
Nature Geoscience 12 (10), 851-855, 2019
TIMS analysis of Sr and Nd isotopes in melt inclusions from Italian potassium-rich lavas using prototype 1013 Ω amplifiers
JM Koornneef, I Nikogosian, MJ van Bergen, R Smeets, C Bouman, ...
Chemical Geology 397, 14-23, 2015
Use of 10 12 ohm current amplifiers in Sr and Nd isotope analyses by TIMS for application to sub-nanogram samples
JM Koornneef, C Bouman, JB Schwieters, GR Davies
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 28 (5), 749-754, 2013
Assimilation of the plutonic roots of the Andean arc controls variations in U-series disequilibria at Volcan Llaima, Chile
O Reubi, B Bourdon, MA Dungan, JM Koornneef, D Sellés, CH Langmuir, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 303 (1-2), 37-47, 2011
Silicate melt inclusions in the new millennium: A review of recommended practices for preparation, analysis, and data presentation
EF Rose-Koga, AS Bouvier, GA Gaetani, PJ Wallace, CM Allison, ...
Chemical Geology 570, 120145, 2021
Highly heterogeneous depleted mantle recorded in the lower oceanic crust
S Lambart, JM Koornneef, MA Millet, GR Davies, M Cook, CJ Lissenberg
Nature Geoscience 12 (6), 482-486, 2019
Pb isotope analysis of ng size samples by TIMS equipped with a 10 13 Ω resistor using a 207 Pb–204 Pb double spike
M Klaver, RJ Smeets, JM Koornneef, GR Davies, PZ Vroon
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 31 (1), 171-178, 2016
Nature and timing of multiple metasomatic events in the sub-cratonic lithosphere beneath Labait, Tanzania
JM Koornneef, GR Davies, SP Döpp, Z Vukmanovic, IK Nikogosian, ...
Lithos 112, 896-912, 2009
Archaean and Proterozoic diamond growth from contrasting styles of large-scale magmatism
JM Koornneef, MU Gress, IL Chinn, HA Jelsma, JW Harris, GR Davies
Nature Communications 8 (1), 648, 2017
Dated eclogitic diamond growth zones reveal variable recycling of crustal carbon through time
S Timmerman, JM Koornneef, IL Chinn, GR Davies
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 463, 178-188, 2017
A new method for U–Th–Pa–Ra separation and accurate measurement of 234U–230Th–231Pa–226Ra disequilibria in volcanic rocks by MC-ICPMS
JM Koornneef, A Stracke, S Aciego, O Reubi, B Bourdon
Chemical Geology 277 (1-2), 30-41, 2010
The impact of glacier retreat from the Ross Sea on local climate: Characterization of mineral dust in the Taylor Dome ice core, East Antarctica
SM Aarons, SM Aciego, P Gabrielli, B Delmonte, JM Koornneef, A Wegner, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 444, 34-44, 2016
The influence of source heterogeneity on the U–Th–Pa–Ra disequilibria in post-glacial tholeiites from Iceland
JM Koornneef, A Stracke, B Bourdon, K Grönvold
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 87, 243-266, 2012
“Non-invasive” portable laser ablation sampling of art and archaeological materials with subsequent Sr–Nd isotope analysis by TIMS using 10 13 Ω amplifiers
ACS Knaf, JM Koornneef, GR Davies
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 32 (11), 2210-2216, 2017
Ancient recycled lower crust in the mantle source of recent Italian magmatism
JM Koornneef, I Nikogosian, MJ van Bergen, PZ Vroon, GR Davies
Nature Communications 10 (1), 3237, 2019
Competing droughts affect dust delivery to Sierra Nevada
SM Aarons, LJ Arvin, SM Aciego, CS Riebe, KR Johnson, MA Blakowski, ...
Aeolian Research 41, 100545, 2019
Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of individual olivine-hosted melt inclusions from Hawai'i and Samoa: Implications for the origin of isotopic heterogeneity in melt inclusions …
AA Reinhard, MG Jackson, JM Koornneef, EF Rose-Koga, J Blusztajn, ...
Chemical Geology 495, 36-49, 2018
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