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Alex EndertAssociate Professor, Georgia TechEmail confirmado em gatech.edu
Leslie M. BlahaAir Force Research LaboratoryEmail confirmado em us.af.mil
Arpit NarechaniaAssistant Professor at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)Email confirmado em ust.hk
Alireza KarduniAssistant Professor, Simon Fraser UniversityEmail confirmado em sfu.ca
Laura MatzenSandia National LaboratoriesEmail confirmado em sandia.gov
John StaskoRegents Professor of Interactive Computing, Georgia Institute of TechnologyEmail confirmado em cc.gatech.edu
Celeste Lyn PaulU.S. Department of DefenseEmail confirmado em umbc.edu
Adam CosciaPh.D. Candidate in Human-Centered Computing, Georgia Institute of TechnologyEmail confirmado em gatech.edu
Lyndsey FranklinPacific Northwest National LaboratoryEmail confirmado em pnnl.gov
Eli T. BrownAssociate Professor, DePaul UniversityEmail confirmado em depaul.edu
Subhajit DasGeorgia Institute of TechnologyEmail confirmado em gatech.edu
Meeshu AgnihotriUniversity of California IrvineEmail confirmado em uci.edu
Ryan WesslenUNC CharlotteEmail confirmado em charlotte.edu
Haesun ParkRegents' Professor of Computational Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of TechnologyEmail confirmado em cc.gatech.edu
Bum Chul KwonIBM ResearchEmail confirmado em us.ibm.com
Jaegul ChooAssociate Professor, Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence, KAISTEmail confirmado em kaist.ac.kr
Hannah KimPhD candidate, Georgia TechEmail confirmado em gatech.edu
Yea-Seul KimUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonEmail confirmado em cs.wisc.edu
Jamal PadenStudent, Georgia Institute of TechnologyEmail confirmado em gatech.edu
Cindy Xiong BearfieldGeorgia Institute of TechnologyEmail confirmado em gatech.edu