Robert Lee
Robert Lee
Professor in Environmental Law
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Board diversity and corporate social responsibility
M Harjoto, I Laksmana, R Lee
Journal of business ethics 132, 641-660, 2015
How do equity markets react to COVID-19? Evidence from emerging and developed countries
MA Harjoto, F Rossi, R Lee, BS Sergi
Journal of economics and business 115, 105966, 2021
The social definition of outdoor recreation places
RG Lee
Social behavior, natural resources, and the environment 68, 84, 1972
Constitutional and Administrative law
B Thompson
London: Blackstone, 1993
Food futures: rethinking UK strategy. A Chatham House report
S Ambler-Edwards, KS Bailey, A Kiff, T Lang, R Lee, TK Marsden, ...
Chatham House (the Royal Institute of International Affairs), 2009
The new regulation and governance of food: Beyond the food crisis?
T Marsden, R Lee, A Flynn, S Thankappan
Routledge, 2009
The impact of demographic characteristics of CEOs and directors on audit fees and audit delay
MA Harjoto, I Laksmana, R Lee
Managerial Auditing Journal 30 (8/9), 963-997, 2015
Density as an incomplete cause of crowding in backcountry settings
JD Absher, RG Lee
Leisure sciences 4 (3), 231-247, 1981
Fuel quality impact on heavy duty diesel emissions:-a literature review
R Lee, J Pedley, C Hobbs
SAE transactions, 1952-1970, 1998
Blackstone's guide to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990: abortion and embryo research-the new law
D Morgan, RG Lee
Blackstone, 1991
Religion and leisure in America: A study in four dimensions
R Lee
Abingdon P., 1964
Human fertilisation and embryology: Regulating the reproductive revolution
RG Lee, D Morgan
Adaptive governance for responsible innovation
RG Lee, J Petts
Responsible innovation: Managing the responsible emergence of science and …, 2013
The influence of social network ties on recreation and leisure: An exploratory study
PA Stokowski, RG Lee
Journal of Leisure Research 23 (2), 95-113, 1991
Roadmap for a sustainable circular economy in lithium-ion and future battery technologies
GDJ Harper, E Kendrick, PA Anderson, W Mrozik, P Christensen, ...
Journal of Physics: Energy 5 (2), 021501, 2023
A circular economy for electric vehicle batteries: driving the change
J Ahuja, L Dawson, R Lee
Journal of property, planning and environmental law 12 (3), 235-250, 2020
Alone with others: The paradox of privacy in wilderness
RG Lee
Leisure Sciences 1 (1), 3-19, 1977
Is there room at the bottom for CSR? Corporate social responsibility and nanotechnology in the UK
C Groves, L Frater, R Lee, E Stokes
Journal of business ethics 101 (4), 525-552, 2011
From profession to business: the rise and rise of the city law firm
RG Lee
JL & Soc'y 19, 31, 1992
‘Carnage by computer’: the blackboard economics of the 2001 foot and mouth epidemic
D Campbell, R Lee
Social & legal studies 12 (4), 425-459, 2003
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