Ana Lucia Alvares Capelozza
Ana Lucia Alvares Capelozza
Professora de Radiologia da FOB, Universidade de São Paulo
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Maxillary sinus and posterior teeth: accessing close relationship by cone-beam computed tomographic scanning in a Brazilian population
O Pagin, BS Centurion, IRF Rubira-Bullen, ALA Capelozza
Journal of endodontics 39 (6), 748-751, 2013
Visibility of the mandibular canal on CBCT crosssectional images
C Oliveira-Santos, ALÁ Capelozza, MSG Dezzoti, CM Fischer, ML Poleti, ...
Journal of Applied Oral Science 19, 240-243, 2011
Mineralization of mandibular third molars can estimate chronological age—Brazilian indices
FT de Oliveira, ALÁ Capelozza, JRP Lauris, IRFR de Bullen
Forensic science international 219 (1-3), 147-150, 2012
A scanning electron microscopic study of hypercementosis
BC Pinheiro, TN Pinheiro, ALA Capelozza, A Consolaro
Journal of Applied Oral Science 16, 380-384, 2008
Orientação profissional para o cirurgião-dentista: ética e legislação
RHA Silva, AF Maia Júnior, AFF Pereira, ALA Capelozza, AP Dossi, ...
Detection of various anatomic patterns of root canals in mandibular incisors using digital periapical radiography, 3 cone-beam computed tomographic scanners, and micro–computed …
LMP da Silva Ramos, D Rice, R Ordinola-Zapata, ALA Capelozza, ...
Journal of endodontics 40 (1), 42-45, 2014
Study of the frequency and location of incidental findings of the maxillofacial region in different fields of view in CBCT scans
IA Lopes, RMA Tucunduva, RH Handem, ALA Capelozza
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 46 (1), 20160215, 2017
Absence and hypoplasia of the mental foramen detected in CBCT images: a case report
LMP da Silva Ramos Fernandes, ALÁ Capelozza, IRF Rubira-Bullen
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 33, 731-734, 2011
The influence of cone-beam computed tomography and periapical radiographic evaluation on the assessment of periapical bone destruction in dog's teeth
R Ordinola-Zapata, CM Bramante, MH Duarte, LMPSR Fernandes, ...
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and …, 2011
Osteoblastoma of the mandible: systematic review of the literature and report of a case
AL Alvares Capelozza, MS Gião Dezotti, L Casati Alvares, ...
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 34 (1), 1-8, 2005
Prevalence of apical periodontitis detected in cone beam CT images of a Brazilian subpopulation
LM Paes da Silva Ramos Fernandes, R Ordinola-Zapata, ...
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 42 (1), 80179163-80179163, 2013
Mandibular condyle morphology on panoramic radiographs of asymptomatic temporomandibular joints
C Oliveira, RT Bernardo, ALA Capelozza
IJD. International Journal of Dentistry 8 (3), 114-118, 2009
Clinical evaluation of the effects of radiographic distortion on the position and classification of mandibular third molars
LFM Sant'Ana, FPM Giglio, O Ferreira Jr, E Sant'Ana, ALA Capelozza
Dentomaxillofacial radiology 34 (2), 96-101, 2005
Conceitos vigentes na epidemiologia das fissuras lábio-palatinas
L Capelozza Filho, E Miranda, ALG Alvares, C Rossato, DMV Vale, ...
Rev. bras. cir, 223-30, 1987
Tomografia computadorizada por feixe cônico: formação da imagem, indicações e critérios para prescrição
MGS Rodrigues, OMV Alarcón, E Carraro, JF Rocha, ALÁ Capelozza
Odontologia Clínico-Científica (Online) 9 (2), 115-118, 2010
Odontogenic myxoma--a case report and clinico-radiographic study of seven tumors
MSG Dezotti, LR Azevedo, F Fontão, ALA Capelozza, E Sant’ana
J Contemp Dent Pract 7 (1), 117-24, 2006
How to assess tonsilloliths and styloid chain ossifications on cone beam computed tomography images
BS Centurion, TSN Imada, O Pagin, ALA Capelozza, JRP Lauris, ...
Oral Diseases 19 (5), 473-478, 2013
Identification of the bony canal of the posterior superior alveolar nerve and artery in the maxillary sinus: tomographic, radiographic, and macroscopic analyses
IJS German, DV Buchaim, JC Andreo, EH Shinohara, ALA Capelozza, ...
The Scientific World Journal 2015 (1), 878205, 2015
Dental and skeletal characterization of the BR-1 minipig
PVP Oltramari, RL Navarro, JFC Henriques, ALA Capelozza, ...
The Veterinary Journal 173 (2), 399-407, 2007
Alteraçöes de desenvolvimento dentário em fissurados
DFB Oliveira, ALA Capelozza, IMM Carvalho
Rev. Assoc. Paul. Cir. Dent, 83-6, 1996
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