Kun Shin Im
Kun Shin Im
Professor of Information Systems, School of Business, Yonsei University
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A reexamination of IT investment and the market value of the firm—An event study methodology
KS Im, KE Dow, V Grover
Information systems research 12 (1), 103-117, 2001
Value cocreation and wealth spillover in open innovation alliances
K Han, W Oh, KS Im, RM Chang, H Oh, A Pinsonneault
MIS Quarterly, 291-315, 2012
The role of IT human capability in the knowledge transfer process in IT outsourcing context
JY Park, KS Im, JS Kim
Information & Management 48 (1), 53-61, 2011
Contribution to quality of life: a new outcome variable for mobile data service
H Choi, M Lee, KS Im, J Kim
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 8 (12), 36, 2007
Predicting computer task performance: personal goal and self-efficacy
YY Mun, KS Im
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC) 16 (2), 20-37, 2004
An examination of work exhaustion in the mobile enterprise environment
HJ Kim, CC Lee, H Yun, KS Im
Technological forecasting and social change 100, 255-266, 2015
Research note—Do large firms become smaller by using information technology?
KS Im, V Grover, JTC Teng
Information Systems Research 24 (2), 470-491, 2013
Do IT freelancers increase their entrepreneurial behavior and performance by using IT self-efficacy and social capital? Evidence from Bangladesh
R Sultana, I Im, KS Im
Information & Management 56 (6), 103133, 2019
An evaluation system for IT outsourcing customer satisfaction using the analytic hierarchy process
YK Yoon, KS Im
Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM) 13 (4), 55-76, 2005
The use of structural equation modeling in IS research: review and recommendations
KS Im, V Grover
The handbook of information systems research, 44-65, 2004
Relationships between desired attributes, consequences and purchase frequency
S Min, JW Overby, K Shin Im
Journal of consumer marketing 29 (6), 423-435, 2012
Evaluating IT outsourcing customer satisfaction and its impact on firm performance in Korea
YK Yoon, KS Im
International Journal of Technology Management 43 (1-3), 160-175, 2008
A response to" Assessing research productivity: important but neglected considerations
KS Im, KY Kim, JS Kim
Decision Line 29 (1), 12-15, 1998
A comparative study of the motivational orientation type on users’ behavior: focusing on ubiquitous computing services
H Choi, K Im, J Kim
Multimedia tools and applications 68 (2), 321-336, 2014
The role of IT human capability in knowledge transfer process under IT outsourcing situations
JY Park, K Im
AMCIS 2007 Proceedings, 216, 2007
The impacts of IT Infrastructure Flexibility on New Product Competitive Advantages
SM Jung, JS Kim, KS Im
Asia pacific journal of information systems 17, 2007
An Empirical Study on Research Diversity in" Journal of MIS Research"
GM Kim, CS Park, JS Kim, HG Lee, KS Im
Asia pacific journal of information systems 15, 2005
Cross-Cultural Differences in Justice Perceptions for Service Recovery
N Kim, KS Im, F Ulgado
Journal of Korean Marketing Association 26 (1), 73-98, 2011
The Effects of Virtual Reality Advertisement on Consumer’s Intention to Purchase: Focused on Rational and Emotional Responses
JY Cha, KS Im
Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 19 (4), 101-124, 2009
The Role of Personal Goal and Self-Efficiency in Predicting Computer Task Performance
YY Mun, KS Im
Advanced Topics in End User Computing, Volume 4, 65-89, 2005
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