The screening of micropulsation signals by the atmosphere and ionosphere WJ Hughes, DJ Southwood Journal of Geophysical Research 81 (19), 3234-3240, 1976 | 575 | 1976 |
Theory of hydromagnetic waves in the magnetosphere DJ Southwood, WJ Hughes Space Science Reviews 35 (4), 301-366, 1983 | 369 | 1983 |
The effect of the atmosphere and ionosphere on long period magnetospheric micropulsations WJ Hughes Planetary and Space Science 22 (8), 1157-1172, 1974 | 364 | 1974 |
Damping of geomagnetic pulsations by the ionosphere RS Newton, DJ Southwood, WJ Hughes Planetary and Space Science 26 (3), 201-209, 1978 | 248 | 1978 |
An illustration of modification of geomagnetic pulsation structure by the ionosphere WJ Hughes, DJ Southwood Journal of Geophysical Research 81 (19), 3241-3247, 1976 | 244 | 1976 |
The dependence of high‐latitude PcS wave power on solar wind velocity and on the phase of high‐speed solar wind streams M Engebretson, KH Glassmeier, M Stellmacher, WJ Hughes, H Lühr Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 103 (A11), 26271-26283, 1998 | 218 | 1998 |
On the 3‐dimensional structure of plasmoids WJ Hughes, DG Sibeck Geophysical Research Letters 14 (6), 636-639, 1987 | 212 | 1987 |
Distribution of density along magnetospheric field lines RE Denton, K Takahashi, IA Galkin, PA Nsumei, X Huang, BW Reinisch, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 111 (A4), 2006 | 182 | 2006 |
On the formation and evolution of plasmoids: A survey of ISEE 3 Geotail data MB Moldwin, WJ Hughes Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 97 (A12), 19259-19282, 1992 | 177 | 1992 |
Dynamics of the inner magnetosphere near times of substorm onsets NC Maynard, WJ Burke, EM Basinska, GM Erickson, WJ Hughes, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 101 (A4), 7705-7736, 1996 | 176 | 1996 |
Geomagnetic pulsations observed simultaneously on three geostationary satellites WJ Hughes, RL McPherron, JN Barfield Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 83 (A3), 1109-1116, 1978 | 171 | 1978 |
Magnetospheric ULF waves: A tutorial with a historical perspective WJ Hughes Solar wind sources of magnetospheric ultra‐low‐frequency waves 81, 1-11, 1994 | 167 | 1994 |
Standing hydromagnetic waves observed by ISEE 1 and 2: Radial extent and harmonic HJ Singer, WJ Hughes, CT Russell Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 87 (A5), 3519-3529, 1982 | 165 | 1982 |
Metrics for solar wind prediction models: Comparison of empirical, hybrid, and physics‐based schemes with 8 years of L1 observations MJ Owens, HE Spence, S McGregor, WJ Hughes, JM Quinn, CN Arge, ... Space Weather 6 (8), 2008 | 158 | 2008 |
CDAW 8 observations of plasmoid signatures in the geomagnetic tail: An assessment JA Slavin, DN Baker, JD Craven, RC Elphic, DH Fairfield, LA Frank, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 94 (A11), 15153-15175, 1989 | 157 | 1989 |
The magnetopause, magnetotail, and magnetic reconnection WJ Hughes Introduction to space physics, 227-287, 1995 | 149 | 1995 |
Magnetometer array for cusp and cleft studies observations of the spatial extent of broadband ULF magnetic pulsations at cusp/cleft latitudes MJ Engebretson, WJ Hughes, JL Alford, E Zesta, LJ Cahill Jr, RL Arnoldy, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 100 (A10), 19371-19386, 1995 | 143 | 1995 |
Alfvén waves generated by an inverted plasma energy distribution WJ Hughes, DJ Southwood, B Mauk, RL McPherron, JN Barfield Nature 275 (5675), 43-45, 1978 | 136 | 1978 |
Observation of an IMF sector effect in the Y magnetic field component at geostationary orbit SWH Cowley, WJ Hughes Planetary and Space Science 31 (1), 73-90, 1983 | 126 | 1983 |
Plasmoids as magnetic flux ropes MB Moldwin, WJ Hughes Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 96 (A8), 14051-14064, 1991 | 121 | 1991 |