High transconductance self-aligned gate-last surface channel In0.53 Ga0.47 As MOSFET M Egard, L Ohlsson, BM Borg, F Lenrick, R Wallenberg, LE Wernersson, ...
2011 International Electron Devices Meeting, 13.2. 1-13.2. 4, 2011
94 2011 Characterization of white layer generated when turning aged Inconel 718 V Bushlya, JM Zhou, F Lenrick, P Avdovic, JE Ståhl
procedia engineering 19, 60-66, 2011
87 2011 LaCoO3: Promising cathode material for protonic ceramic fuel cells based on a BaCe0. 2Zr0. 7Y0. 1O3− δ electrolyte S Ricote, N Bonanos, F Lenrick, R Wallenberg
Journal of Power Sources 218, 313-319, 2012
83 2012 High-Frequency Performance of Self-Aligned Gate-Last Surface Channel MOSFET M Egard, L Ohlsson, M Arlelid, KM Persson, BM Borg, F Lenrick, ...
IEEE Electron Device Letters 33 (3), 369-371, 2012
79 2012 Performance and wear mechanisms of PCD and pcBN cutting tools during machining titanium alloy Ti6Al4V R Lindvall, F Lenrick, H Persson, R M'Saoubi, JE Ståhl, V Bushlya
Wear 454, 203329, 2020
74 2020 Performance and wear mechanisms of uncoated cemented carbide cutting tools in Ti6Al4V machining R Lindvall, F Lenrick, R M'Saoubi, JE Ståhl, V Bushlya
Wear 477, 203824, 2021
69 2021 InGaN platelets: synthesis and applications toward green and red light-emitting diodes Z Bi, F Lenrick, J Colvin, A Gustafsson, O Hultin, A Nowzari, T Lu, ...
Nano Letters 19 (5), 2832-2839, 2019
56 2019 Wear mechanisms of uncoated and coated cemented carbide tools in machining lead-free silicon brass V Bushlya, D Johansson, F Lenrick, JE Ståhl, F Schultheiss
Wear 376, 143-151, 2017
55 2017 Performance and wear mechanisms of novel superhard diamond and boron nitride based tools in machining Al-SiCp metal matrix composite V Bushlya, F Lenrick, O Gutnichenko, I Petrusha, O Osipov, S Kristiansson, ...
Wear 376, 152-164, 2017
55 2017 Influence of oxygen on the tool wear in machining V Bushlya, F Lenrick, JE Ståhl, R M’Saoubi
CIRP Annals 67 (1), 79-82, 2018
52 2018 Scanning 3DXRD Measurement of Grain Growth, Stress, and Formation of Cu6 Sn5 around a Tin Whisker during Heat Treatment J Hektor, SA Hall, NA Henningsson, J Engqvist, M Ristinmaa, F Lenrick, ...
Materials 12 (3), 446, 2019
51 2019 Tool wear mechanisms of PcBN in machining Inconel 718: Analysis across multiple length scale V Bushlya, F Lenrick, A Bjerke, H Aboulfadl, M Thuvander, JE Ståhl, ...
CIRP annals 70 (1), 73-78, 2021
46 2021 Performance of ZrO2-supported Nb-and W-oxide in the gas-phase dehydration of glycerol to acrolein M Massa, A Andersson, E Finocchio, G Busca, F Lenrick, LR Wallenberg
Journal of Catalysis 297, 93-109, 2013
45 2013 On chemical and diffusional interactions between PCBN and superalloy Inconel 718: Imitational experiments V Bushlya, A Bjerke, VZ Turkevich, F Lenrick, IA Petrusha, ...
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 39 (8), 2658-2665, 2019
40 2019 Evaluation of tool wear mechanisms and tool performance in machining single-phase tungsten M Olsson, V Bushlya, F Lenrick, JE Ståhl
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 94, 105379, 2021
39 2021 Phase transformation in radially merged wurtzite GaAs nanowires D Jacobsson, F Yang, K Hillerich, F Lenrick, S Lehmann, D Kriegner, ...
Crystal growth & design 15 (10), 4795-4803, 2015
38 2015 High In-content InGaN nano-pyramids: Tuning crystal homogeneity by optimized nucleation of GaN seeds Z Bi, A Gustafsson, F Lenrick, D Lindgren, O Hultin, L Wallenberg, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 123 (2), 2018
36 2018 Synthesis by spark plasma sintering of a novel protonic/electronic conductor composite: BaCeZrYO/SrTiNbO (BCZY27/STN95). J Fish, S Ricote, F Lenrick, L Wallenberg, T Holgate, R O'Hayre, ...
Journal of Materials Science 48 (18), 2013
36 * 2013 Realization of ultrahigh quality InGaN platelets to be used as relaxed templates for red micro-LEDs Z Bi, T Lu, J Colvin, E Sjogren, N Vainorius, A Gustafsson, J Johansson, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 12 (15), 17845-17851, 2020
31 2020 FIB plan and side view cross-sectional TEM sample preparation of nanostructures F Lenrick, M Ek, D Jacobsson, MT Borgström, LR Wallenberg
Microscopy and Microanalysis 20 (1), 133-140, 2014
31 2014