Marisol Belmonte
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Greenhouse gases emissions from wastewater treatment plants: minimization, treatment, and prevention
JL Campos, D Valenzuela-Heredia, A Pedrouso, A Val del Río, ...
Journal of Chemistry 2016 (1), 3796352, 2016
Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) production: a feasible economic option for the treatment of sewage sludge in municipal wastewater treatment plants?
D Crutchik, O Franchi, L Caminos, D Jeison, M Belmonte, A Pedrouso, ...
Water 12 (4), 1118, 2020
Nitrogen and phosphorus recovery from anaerobically preteated agro-food wastes: A review
JL Campos, D Crutchik, Ó Franchi, JP Pavissich, M Belmonte, A Pedrouso, ...
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 2, 91, 2019
Effect of free ammonia nitrogen on the methanogenic activity of swine wastewater
M Belmonte, CF Hsieh, C Figueroa, JL Campos, G Vidal
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology 14 (3), 2-2, 2011
Behaviour of molecular weight distribution for the liquid fraction of pig slurry treated by anaerobic digestion
DC Rodríguez, M Belmonte, G Peñuela, JL Campos, G Vidal
Environmental technology 32 (4), 419-425, 2011
Characteristics of nitrifying granules developed in an air pulsing SBR
M Belmonte, JR Vázquez-Padín, M Figueroa, A Franco, ...
Process Biochemistry 44 (5), 602-606, 2009
Characterization of swine wastewater by toxicity identification evaluation methodology (TIE)
CA Villamar, T Cañuta, M Belmonte, G Vidal
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 223, 363-369, 2012
Improved aerobic biodegradation of abietic acid in ECF bleached kraft mill effluent due to biomass adaptation
M Belmonte, C Xavier, J Decap, M Martinez, R Sierra-Alvarez, G Vidal
Journal of hazardous materials 135 (1-3), 256-263, 2006
Reverse osmosis concentrate: physicochemical characteristics, environmental impact, and technologies
H Valdés, A Saavedra, M Flores, I Vera-Puerto, H Aviña, M Belmonte
Membranes 11 (10), 753, 2021
Proposal of competencies for engineering education to develop water infrastructure based on "Nature-Based Solutions" in the urban context
I Vera-Puerto, H Valdés, C Correa, R Agredano, G Vidal, M Belmonte, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 265 (121717), 2020
Novel system configuration with activated sludge like-geometry to develop aerobic granular biomass under continuous flow
AVR C.Cofré, J.L.Campos, D.Valenzuela, J.P. Pavissich, N.Camus, M.Belmonte ...
Bioresource Technology, In press, 2018
Performance of a two-stage partial nitritation-anammox system treating the supernatant of a sludge anaerobic digester pretreated by a thermal hydrolysis process
D Valenzuela-Heredia, C Panatt, M Belmonte, O Franchi, D Crutchik, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 429, 131301, 2022
Short-term forecasting of Ozone concentration in metropolitan Lima using hybrid combinations of time series models
N Carbo-Bustinza, H Iftikhar, M Belmonte, RJ Cabello-Torres, ...
Applied Sciences 13 (18), 10514, 2023
A machine learning approach to analyse ozone concentration in metropolitan area of Lima, Peru
N Carbo-Bustinza, M Belmonte, V Jimenez, P Montalban, M Rivera, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 22084, 2022
Denitrifying activity via nitrite and N2O production using acetate and swine wastewater
M Belmonte, JR Vázquez-Padín, M Figueroa, JL Campos, R Méndez, ...
Process Biochemistry 47 (7), 1202-1206, 2012
Improvement of the abietic acid biodegradation contained in ECF effluent due to biomass adaptation
M Belmonte, C Xavier, J Decap, M Martínez, R Sierra, G Vidal
J. Hazard. Mater 135, 256-263, 2006
Effect of free ammonia, free nitrous acid, and alkalinity on the partial nitrification of pretreated pig slurry, using an alternating oxic/anoxic SBR
M Belmonte, CF Hsieh, JL Campos, L Guerrero, R Méndez, ...
BioMed Research International 2017 (1), 6571671, 2017
Effect of aerobic sludge with increasing level of adaptation on abietic acid biodegradation.
M Belmonte, J Decap, M Martinez, G Vidal
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology 77 (6), 2006
Limits of the anammox process in granular systems to remove nitrogen at low temperature and nitrogen concentration
C Díaz, M Belmonte, JL Campos, O Franchi, M Faúndez, G Vidal, L Argiz, ...
Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2020
Assessment of a fast method to predict the biochemical methane potential based on biodegradable COD obtained by fractionation respirometric tests
L Argiz, C Reyes, M Belmonte, O Franchi, R Campo, A Fra-Vázquez, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 269, 110695, 2020
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