Johan Ahlström
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Alloy design for intrinsically ductile refractory high-entropy alloys
S Sheikh, S Shafeie, Q Hu, J Ahlström, C Persson, J Veselý, J Zýka, ...
Journal of applied physics 120 (16), 2016
Microstructural evaluation and interpretation of the mechanically and thermally affected zone under railway wheel flats
J Ahlström, B Karlsson
Wear 232 (1), 1-14, 1999
Fatigue behaviour of rail steel—a comparison between strain and stress controlled loading
J Ahlström, B Karlsson
Wear 258 (7-8), 1187-1193, 2005
The influence of temperatures and strain rates on the mechanical behavior of dual phase steel in different conditions
Y Cao, J Ahlström, B Karlsson
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 4 (1), 68-74, 2015
Investigation of the strengthening mechanism in 316L stainless steel produced with laser powder bed fusion
D Riabov, A Leicht, J Ahlström, E Hryha
Materials Science and Engineering: A 822, 141699, 2021
Modelling of heat conduction and phase transformations during sliding of railway wheels
J Ahlström, B Karlsson
Wear 253 (1-2), 291-300, 2002
Mechanical properties and fatigue behaviour of railway wheel steels as influenced by mechanical and thermal loadings
D Nikas, J Ahlström, A Malakizadi
Wear 366, 407-415, 2016
Analytical 1D model for analysis of the thermally affected zone formed during railway wheel skid
J Ahlström, B Karlsson
Wear 232 (1), 15-24, 1999
Temperature and strain rate effects on the mechanical behavior of dual phase steel
Y Cao, B Karlsson, J Ahlström
Materials Science and Engineering: A 636, 124-132, 2015
Evaluation of local strength via microstructural quantification in a pearlitic rail steel deformed by simultaneous compression and torsion
D Nikas, X Zhang, J Ahlström
Materials Science and Engineering: A 737, 341-347, 2018
Characterisation of plastic deformation and thermal softening of the surface layer of railway passenger wheel treads
K Cvetkovski, J Ahlström
Wear 300 (1-2), 200-204, 2013
A methodology to predict thermomechanical cracking of railway wheel treads: From experiments to numerical predictions
A Esmaeili, MS Walia, K Handa, K Ikeuchi, M Ekh, T Vernersson, ...
International Journal of Fatigue 105, 71-85, 2017
Parameter identification and modeling of large ratcheting strains in carbon steel
G Johansson, J Ahlström, M Ekh
Computers & structures 84 (15-16), 1002-1011, 2006
Modeling of kinematic hardening at large biaxial deformations in pearlitic rail steel
KA Meyer, M Ekh, J Ahlström
International Journal of Solids and Structures 130, 122-132, 2018
3D characterization of rolling contact fatigue crack networks
C Jessop, J Ahlström, L Hammar, S Fæster, HK Danielsen
Wear 366, 392-400, 2016
Monotonic and cyclic deformation of a high silicon pearlitic wheel steel
K Cvetkovski, J Ahlström, B Karlsson
Wear 271 (1-2), 382-387, 2011
Microstructure and mechanical properties of the running band in a pearlitic rail steel: Comparison between biaxially deformed steel and field samples
KA Meyer, D Nikas, J Ahlström
Wear 396, 12-21, 2018
Thermal degradation of pearlitic steels: influence on mechanical properties including fatigue behaviour
K Cvetkovski, J Ahlström, B Karlsson
Materials Science and Technology 27 (3), 648-654, 2011
Low cycle fatigue and deformation behaviour of austenitic manganese steel in rolled and in as-cast conditions
M Schilke, J Ahlström, B Karlsson
Procedia Engineering 2 (1), 623-628, 2010
Sample preparation and microstructural characterization of the gamma titanium aluminide Ti-48Al-2W-0.5 Si
V Recina, J Ahlström, B Karlsson
Materials characterization 38 (4-5), 287-300, 1997
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