Lars Wolf
Lars Wolf
Professor für Informatik, IBR, TU Braunschweig
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Caroline: An autonomously driving vehicle for urban environments
Springer 56, 441-508, 2009
On the impact of delay on real-time multiplayer games
L Pantel, LC Wolf
Proceedings of the 12th international workshop on Network and operating …, 2002
A cluster-based security architecture for ad hoc networks
M Bechler, HJ Hof, D Kraft, F Pahlke, L Wolf
IEEE INFOCOM 2004 4, 2393-2403, 2004
Analysis of factors affecting players' performance and perception in multiplayer games
M Dick, O Wellnitz, L Wolf
Proceedings of 4th ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Network and system support for …, 2005
Evaluation of routing protocols for vehicular ad hoc networks in typical road traffic scenarios
S Jaap, M Bechler, L Wolf
Proc of the 11th EUNICE Open European Summer School on Networked …, 2005
On the suitability of dead reckoning schemes for games
L Pantel, LC Wolf
Proceedings of the 1st workshop on Network and system support for games, 79-84, 2002
Artery: Extending veins for VANET applications
R Riebl, HJ Günther, C Facchi, L Wolf
2015 International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent …, 2015
Long-term movie popularity models in video-on-demand systems: or the life of an on-demand movie
C Griwodz, M Bär, LC Wolf
Proceedings of the fifth ACM international conference on Multimedia, 349-357, 1997
IBR-DTN: A lightweight, modular and highly portable Bundle Protocol implementation
S Schildt, J Morgenroth, WB Pöttner, L Wolf
Electronic Communications of the EASST 37, 2011
Concepts for resource reservation in advance
LC Wolf, R Steinmetz
Multimedia Technologies and Applications for the 21st Century: Visions of …, 1998
Toward automated driving in cities using close-to-market sensors: An overview of the v-charge project
P Furgale, U Schwesinger, M Rufli, W Derendarz, H Grimmett, ...
2013 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 809-816, 2013
Issues of reserving resources in advance
LC Wolf, L Delgrossi, R Steinmetz, S Schaller, H Wittig
International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital …, 1995
Leveraging RF-channel fluctuation for activity recognition: Active and passive systems, continuous and RSSI-based signal features
S Sigg, S Shi, F Buesching, Y Ji, L Wolf
Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing …, 2013
Multi-connectivity as an enabler for reliable low latency communications—An overview
MT Suer, C Thein, H Tchouankem, L Wolf
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 22 (1), 156-169, 2019
IBR-DTN: an efficient implementation for embedded systems
M Doering, S Lahde, J Morgenroth, L Wolf
Proceedings of the third ACM workshop on Challenged networks, 117-120, 2008
The potential of collective perception in vehicular ad-hoc networks
H Gunther, O Trauer, L Wolf
2015 14th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST), 1-5, 2015
Design and evaluation of charging station scheduling strategies for electric vehicles
J Timpner, L Wolf
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 15 (2), 579-588, 2013
QoS-based routing of multimedia streams in computer networks
R Vogel, RG Herrtwich, W Kalfa, H Wittig, LC Wolf
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 14 (7), 1235-1244, 1996
Collective perception and decentralized congestion control in vehicular ad-hoc networks
HJ Günther, R Riebl, L Wolf, C Facchi
2016 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), 1-8, 2016
Realizing collective perception in a vehicle
HJ Günther, B Mennenga, O Trauer, R Riebl, L Wolf
2016 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), 1-8, 2016
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