Sanli Faez
Sanli Faez
Assistant Professor at Utrecht University
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Organic spintronics
WJM Naber, S Faez, WG van der Wiel
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 40 (12), R205, 2007
Topologically robust transport of photons in a synthetic gauge field
S Mittal, J Fan, S Faez, A Migdall, JM Taylor, M Hafezi
Physical review letters 113 (8), 087403, 2014
Observation of multifractality in Anderson localization of ultrasound
S Faez, A Strybulevych, JH Page, A Lagendijk, BA Van Tiggelen
Physical review letters 103, 155703, 2009
Fast, label-free tracking of single viruses and weakly scattering nanoparticles in a nanofluidic optical fiber
S Faez, Y Lahini, S Weidlich, RF Garmann, K Wondraczek, M Zeisberger, ...
ACS nano 9 (12), 12349-12357, 2015
Coherent interaction of light and single molecules in a dielectric nanoguide
S Faez, P Türschmann, HR Haakh, S Götzinger, V Sandoghdar
Physical review letters 113 (21), 213601, 2014
Polaritonic normal-mode splitting and light localization in a one-dimensional nanoguide
HR Haakh, S Faez, V Sandoghdar
Physical Review A 94 (5), 053840, 2016
Interfacing superconducting qubits and single optical photons using molecules in waveguides
S Das, VE Elfving, S Faez, AS Sørensen
Physical review letters 118 (14), 140501, 2017
Full characterization of anisotropic diffuse light.
PM Johnson, S Faez, A Lagendijk
Optics Express 16 (10), 7435-7446, 2008
Experimental observation of second-harmonic generation and diffusion inside random media
S Faez, PM Johnson, DA Mazurenko, A Lagendijk
Arxiv preprint arXiv:0902.1093, 2009
Electric-double-layer-modulation microscopy
K Namink, X Meng, MTM Koper, P Kukura, S Faez
Physical Review Applied 13 (4), 044065, 2020
Varying the effective refractive index to measure optical transport in random media
S Faez, PM Johnson, A Lagendijk
Physical review letters 103 (5), 053903, 2009
Classification of light sources and their interaction with active and passive environments
RGS El-Dardiry, S Faez, A Lagendijk
Physical Review A 83 (3), 031801, 2011
Snapshots of Anderson localization beyond the ensemble average
RGS El-Dardiry, S Faez, A Lagendijk
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (12), 125132, 2012
Fluid flow and colloid transport experiment in single-porosity sample; tracking of colloid transport behavior in a saturated micromodel
ET de Vries, Q Tang, S Faez, A Raoof
Advances in Water Resources 159, 104086, 2022
Quantum optics, molecular spectroscopy and low-temperature spectroscopy: general discussion
M Orrit, G Evans, T Cordes, I Kratochvilova, W Moerner, LM Needham, ...
Faraday Discussions 184, 275-303, 2015
Optical tracing of multiple charges in single-electron devices
S Faez, SJ van der Molen, M Orrit
Physical Review B 90 (20), 205405, 2014
Gain-tunable optomechanical cooling in a laser cavity
L Ge, S Faez, F Marquardt, HE Türeci
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (5), 053839, 2013
Electrochemistry of single nanoparticles: general discussion
T Albrecht, J MacPherson, O Magnussen, D Fermin, R Crooks, J Gooding, ...
Faraday Discussions 193, 387-413, 2016
Nanocapillary electrokinetic tracking for monitoring charge fluctuations on a single nanoparticle
S Faez, S Samin, D Baasanjav, S Weidlich, M Schmidt, AP Mosk
Faraday Discussions 193, 447-458, 2016
Intersystem crossing rates of single perylene molecules in ortho-dichlorobenzene
NR Verhart, P Navarro, S Faez, M Orrit
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (26), 17655-17659, 2016
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