William R. Taylor
William R. Taylor
Laboratory for Movement Biomechanics, Institute for Biomechanics, ETH Zürich
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A survey of formal methods for determining the centre of rotation of ball joints
RM Ehrig, WR Taylor, GN Duda, MO Heller
Journal of biomechanics 39 (15), 2798-2809, 2006
Tibio‐femoral loading during human gait and stair climbing
WR Taylor, MO Heller, G Bergmann, GN Duda
Journal of orthopaedic research 22 (3), 625-632, 2004
Kinematic measures for assessing gait stability in elderly individuals: a systematic review
D Hamacher, NB Singh, JH Van Dieën, MO Heller, WR Taylor
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 8 (65), 1682-1698, 2011
Determination of orthotropic bone elastic constants using FEA and modal analysis
WR Taylor, E Roland, H Ploeg, D Hertig, R Klabunde, MD Warner, ...
Journal of biomechanics 35 (6), 767-773, 2002
Low back pain and its relationship with sitting behaviour among sedentary office workers
C Bontrup, WR Taylor, M Fliesser, R Visscher, T Green, PM Wippert, ...
Applied ergonomics 81, 102894, 2019
A survey of formal methods for determining functional joint axes
RM Ehrig, WR Taylor, GN Duda, MO Heller
Journal of biomechanics 40 (10), 2150-2157, 2007
Terminally differentiated CD8+ T cells negatively affect bone regeneration in humans
S Reinke, S Geissler, WR Taylor, K Schmidt-Bleek, K Juelke, ...
Science translational medicine 5 (177), 177ra36-177ra36, 2013
Efficacy of the functional movement screen: a review
K Kraus, E Schütz, WR Taylor, R Doyscher
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 28 (12), 3571-3584, 2014
Physiologically based boundary conditions in finite element modelling
AD Speirs, MO Heller, GN Duda, WR Taylor
Journal of biomechanics 40 (10), 2318-2323, 2007
On the influence of soft tissue coverage in the determination of bone kinematics using skin markers
WR Taylor, RM Ehrig, GN Duda, H Schell, P Seebeck, MO Heller
Journal of Orthopaedic Research 23 (4), 726-734, 2005
The Classic: on the Inner Architecture of Bones and its Importance for Bone Growth:(Ueber die innere Architectur der Knochen und ihre Bedeutung für die Frage vom Knochenwachsthum)
J Wolff
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research® 468 (4), 1056-1065, 2010
Lumbar spinal loads vary with body height and weight
KS Han, A Rohlmann, T Zander, WR Taylor
Medical engineering & physics 35 (7), 969-977, 2013
Developmental hip dysplasia treated with total hip arthroplasty with a straight stem and a threaded cup
C Perka, U Fischer, WR Taylor, G Matziolis
JBJS 86 (2), 312-319, 2004
Soft tissue artefacts of the human back: comparison of the sagittal curvature of the spine measured using skin markers and an open upright MRI
R Zemp, R List, T Gülay, JP Elsig, J Naxera, WR Taylor, S Lorenzetti
PloS one 9 (4), e95426, 2014
Mechanical conditions in the initial phase of bone healing
DR Epari, WR Taylor, MO Heller, GN Duda
Clinical biomechanics 21 (6), 646-655, 2006
Tibio-femoral joint contact forces in sheep
WR Taylor, RM Ehrig, MO Heller, H Schell, P Seebeck, GN Duda
Journal of biomechanics 39 (5), 791-798, 2006
An enhanced and validated generic thoraco-lumbar spine model for prediction of muscle forces
KS Han, T Zander, WR Taylor, A Rohlmann
Medical engineering & physics 34 (6), 709-716, 2012
Is gait variability reliable? An assessment of spatio-temporal parameters of gait variability during continuous overground walking
N König, NB Singh, J Von Beckerath, L Janke, WR Taylor
Gait & posture 39 (1), 615-617, 2014
Absolute and functional iron deficiency in professional athletes during training and recovery
S Reinke, WR Taylor, GN Duda, S von Haehling, P Reinke, HD Volk, ...
International journal of cardiology 156 (2), 186-191, 2012
Joint line elevation in revision TKA leads to increased patellofemoral contact forces
C König, A Sharenkov, G Matziolis, WR Taylor, C Perka, GN Duda, ...
Journal of Orthopaedic Research 28 (1), 1-5, 2010
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