Sarah Elena Windolph
Sarah Elena Windolph
Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
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Motivations for corporate sustainability management: Contrasting survey results and implementation
SE Windolph, D Harms, S Schaltegger
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 21 (5), 272-285, 2014
Assessing corporate sustainability through ratings: challenges and their causes
SE Windolph
Journal of Environmental sustainability 1 (1), 5, 2011
Implementing corporate sustainability. What drives the application of sustainability management tools in Germany
SE Windolph, S Schaltegger, C Herzig
Motivations, Organizational Units, and Management Tools. Taking Stock of the …, 2014
Corporate sustainability barometer 2012
S Schaltegger, J Hörisch, SE Windolph, D Harms
Wie nachhaltig agieren Unternehmen in Deutschland, 2010
Corporate sustainability in international comparison
S Schaltegger, SE Windolph, D Harms, J Hörisch
State of practice, opportunities and challenges, 2014
International corporate sustainability barometer
S Schaltegger, D Harms, J Hörisch, S Windolph, R Burritt, A Carter, ...
CSM (Center for Sustainability Management), Luneburg, Germany, 2013
A longitudinal analysis of the knowledge and application of sustainability management tools in large German companies
S Schaltegger, S Windolph, C Herzig
Society and Economy 34 (4), 549-579, 2012
Involving corporate functions: who contributes to sustainable development?
S Schaltegger, D Harms, SE Windolph, J Hörisch
Sustainability 6 (5), 3064-3085, 2014
Linking sustainability-related stakeholder feedback to corporate sustainability performance: an empirical analysis of stakeholder dialogues
J Hörisch, S Schaltegger, SE Windolph
International Journal of Business Environment 7 (2), 200-218, 2015
Corporate Sustainability Barometer 2012: Praxisstand und Fortschritt des Nachhaltigkeitsmanagements in den größten Unternehmen Deutschlands
S Schaltegger, J Hörisch, SE Windolph, D Harms
Center for Sustainability Management eV: Lüneburg, Deutschland, 2012
Corporate Sustainability Barometer 2010: wie nachhaltig agieren Unternehmen in Deutschland?
S Schaltegger, D Harms, SE Windolph
CSM, Lehrstuhl für BWL, 2010
Overview of the aggregate results of the International Corporate Sustainability Barometer
J Hörisch, SE Windolph
Corporate sustainability in international comparison: State of practice …, 2014
Motivations, organizational units, and management tools
SE Windolph
Taking Stock of the Why, Who, and How of Implementing Corporate …, 2013
Organisational involvement of corporate functions in sustainability management
S Schaltegger, H Dorli, SE Windolph, J Hörisch
An empirical analysis of large german companies. Centre for Sustainability …, 2014
International corporate sustainability barometer: introduction and structure
D Harms, J Hörisch, S Schaltegger, SE Windolph
Corporate Sustainability in International Comparison: State of Practice …, 2014
Mehr Partizipation wagen? Wirkungen und Potenziale einer intensiven Einbindung von Stakeholdern in Unternehmen
SE Windolph, J Hörisch, D Harms, S Schaltegger
uwf UmweltWirtschaftsForum 21, 119-126, 2013
Praxisstand und Fortschritt des Nachhaltigkeitsmanagements in den größten Unternehmen Deutschlands
S Schaltegger, J Hörisch, SE Windolph, D Harms
Lüneburg: CSM Centre for Sustainability Management (Corporate Sustainability …, 2012
Corporate Sustainability Management in Large German Companies
J Hörisch, SE Windolph, S Schaltegger
Corporate Sustainability in International Comparison: State of Practice …, 2014
Motivations, Organizational Units, and Management Tools. Taking Stock of the Why, Who, and How of Implementing Corporate Sustainability Management
SE Windolph
by Medien-und Informationszentrum, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg Files in …, 2013
Implementing sustainable and responsible business: sustainability management tools and their dissemination in German companies
S Schaltegger, S Windolph, C Herzig
Nottingham Trent University, 2012
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