S Kramer-Schadt
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The importance of correcting for sampling bias in MaxEnt species distribution models
S Kramer‐Schadt, J Niedballa, JD Pilgrim, B Schröder, J Lindenborn, ...
Diversity and distributions 19 (11), 1366-1379, 2013
Adaptive responses of animals to climate change are most likely insufficient
V Radchuk, T Reed, C Teplitsky, M van de Pol, A Charmantier, C Hassall, ...
Nature Communications 10 (1), 3109, 2019
Human–wildlife coexistence in a changing world
HJ König, C Kiffner, S Kramer‐Schadt, C Fürst, O Keuling, AT Ford
Conservation Biology 34 (4), 786-794, 2020
Ecosystem oceanography for global change in fisheries
PM Cury, YJ Shin, B Planque, JM Durant, JM Fromentin, S Kramer-Schadt, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 23 (6), 338-346, 2008
Fragmented landscapes, road mortality and patch connectivity: modelling influences on the dispersal of Eurasian lynx
S KRAMER‐SCHADT, E Revilla, T Wiegand, URS Breitenmoser
Journal of Applied Ecology 41 (4), 711-723, 2004
Assessing the suitability of central European landscapes for the reintroduction of Eurasian lynx
S Schadt, E Revilla, T Wiegand, F Knauer, P Kaczensky, U Breitenmoser, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 39 (2), 189-203, 2002
Rule‐based assessment of suitable habitat and patch connectivity for the Eurasian lynx
S Schadt, F Knauer, P Kaczensky, E Revilla, T Wiegand, L Trepl
Ecological applications 12 (5), 1469-1483, 2002
Habitat selection models for European wildcat conservation
N Klar, N Fernández, S Kramer-Schadt, M Herrmann, M Trinzen, I Büttner, ...
Biological conservation 141 (1), 308-319, 2008
The Rauischholzhausen agenda for road ecology
IA Roedenbeck, L Fahrig, CS Findlay, JE Houlahan, JAG Jaeger, N Klar, ...
Ecology and society 12 (1), 2007
The catchment area of wind farms for European bats: a plea for international regulations
CC Voigt, AG Popa-Lisseanu, I Niermann, S Kramer-Schadt
Biological conservation 153, 80-86, 2012
Wind farm facilities in Germany kill noctule bats from near and far
LS Lehnert, S Kramer-Schadt, S Schönborn, O Lindecke, I Niermann, ...
PloS one 9 (8), e103106, 2014
Targeted conservation to safeguard a biodiversity hotspot from climate and land-cover change
MJ Struebig, A Wilting, DLA Gaveau, E Meijaard, RJ Smith, T Abdullah, ...
Current Biology 25 (3), 372-378, 2015
Effects and mitigation of road impacts on individual movement behavior of wildcats
N Klar, M Herrmann, S KRAMER‐SCHADT
The Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (5), 631-638, 2009
Habitat use of bats in relation to wind turbines revealed by GPS tracking
M Roeleke, T Blohm, S Kramer-Schadt, Y Yovel, CC Voigt
Scientific reports 6 (1), 28961, 2016
Anticipated climate and land‐cover changes reveal refuge areas for Borneo's orang‐utans
MJ Struebig, M Fischer, DLA Gaveau, E Meijaard, SA Wich, C Gonner, ...
Global change biology 21 (8), 2891-2904, 2015
Diseases and causes of death in European bats: dynamics in disease susceptibility and infection rates
K Mühldorfer, S Speck, A Kurth, R Lesnik, C Freuling, T Müller, ...
PloS one 6 (12), e29773, 2011
Secrets of success in a landscape of fear: urban wild boar adjust risk perception and tolerate disturbance
M Stillfried, P Gras, K Börner, F Göritz, J Painer, K Röllig, M Wenzler, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 5, 157, 2017
Lynx reintroductions in fragmented landscapes of Germany: Projects with a future or misunderstood wildlife conservation?
S Kramer-Schadt, E Revilla, T Wiegand
Biological Conservation 125 (2), 169-182, 2005
Do cities represent sources, sinks or isolated islands for urban wild boar population structure?
M Stillfried, J Fickel, K Börner, U Wittstatt, M Heddergott, S Ortmann, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (1), 272-281, 2017
Predicting range shifts of Asian elephants under global change
R Kanagaraj, MB Araujo, R Barman, P Davidar, R De, DK Digal, GV Gopi, ...
Diversity and Distributions 25 (5), 822-838, 2019
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