Visual opinion analysis of customer feedback data D Oelke, M Hao, C Rohrdantz, DA Keim, U Dayal, LE Haug, H Janetzko 2009 IEEE symposium on visual analytics science and technology, 187-194, 2009 | 158 | 2009 |
Document cards: A top trumps visualization for documents H Strobelt, D Oelke, C Rohrdantz, A Stoffel, DA Keim, O Deussen IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 15 (6), 1145-1152, 2009 | 141 | 2009 |
Visual sentiment analysis on twitter data streams M Hao, C Rohrdantz, H Janetzko, U Dayal, DA Keim, LE Haug, MC Hsu 2011 IEEE conference on visual analytics science and technology (VAST), 277-278, 2011 | 118 | 2011 |
Visual sentiment analysis of rss news feeds featuring the us presidential election in 2008 F Wanner, C Rohrdantz, F Mansmann, D Oelke, DA Keim | 88 | 2009 |
Selecting sentiment attributes for visualization MC Hao, U Dayal, C Rohrdantz, M Hsu, ME Dekhil, R Ghosh US Patent 8,595,151, 2013 | 87 | 2013 |
Towards tracking semantic change by visual analytics C Rohrdantz, A Hautli, T Mayer, M Butt, D Keim, F Plank Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2011 | 74 | 2011 |
Feature-based visual sentiment analysis of text document streams C Rohrdantz, MC Hao, U Dayal, LE Haug, DA Keim ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 3 (2), 1-25, 2012 | 60 | 2012 |
Visual sentiment analysis of customer feedback streams using geo-temporal term associations MC Hao, C Rohrdantz, H Janetzko, DA Keim, U Dayal, LE Haug, M Hsu, ... Information Visualization 12 (3-4), 273-290, 2013 | 58 | 2013 |
Getting there first: Real-time detection of real-world incidents on Twitter M Krstajic, C Rohrdantz, M Blumenschein, A Weiler | 52 | 2012 |
Comparative exploration of document collections: a visual analytics approach D Oelke, H Strobelt, C Rohrdantz, I Gurevych, O Deussen Computer Graphics Forum 33 (3), 201-210, 2014 | 49 | 2014 |
Event identification for local areas using social media streaming data A Weiler, MH Scholl, F Wanner, C Rohrdantz Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Databases and Social Networks, 1-6, 2013 | 41 | 2013 |
Exploratory text analysis using lexical episode plots V Gold, C Rohrdantz, M El-Assady | 38 | 2015 |
Visual linguistic analysis of political discussions: Measuring deliberative quality V Gold, M El-Assady, A Hautli-Janisz, T Bögel, C Rohrdantz, M Butt, ... Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 32 (1), 141-158, 2017 | 33 | 2017 |
Real-time visualization of streaming text data: Tasks and challenges C Rohrdantz, D Oelke, M Krstajic, F Fischer | 33 | 2011 |
Visualizing vowel harmony T Mayer, C Rohrdantz, M Butt, F Plank, DA Keim Linguistic issues in language technology 4, 2011 | 31 | 2011 |
Visuelle Textanalyse: Interaktive Exploration von semantischen Inhalten C Rohrdantz, S Koch, C Jochim, G Heyer, G Scheuermann, T Ertl, ... Informatik-Spektrum 33, 601-611, 2010 | 29 | 2010 |
Consonant co-occurrence in stems across languages: Automatic analysis and visualization of a phonotactic constraint T Mayer, C Rohrdantz, F Plank, P Bak, M Butt, D Keim Proceedings of the 2010 workshop on NLP and linguistics: Finding the common …, 2010 | 27 | 2010 |
Lexical Semantics and Distribution of Suffixes-A Visual Analysis C Rohrdantz, A Niekler, A Hautli, M Butt, D Keim Proceedings of the EACL 2012 Joint Workshop of LINGVIS & UNCLH, 7-15, 2012 | 26 | 2012 |
“Beautiful picture of an ugly place”. Exploring photo collections using opinion and sentiment analysis of user comments S Kisilevich, C Rohrdantz, D Keim Computer Science and Information Technology (IMCSIT), Proceedings of the …, 2010 | 25 | 2010 |
Visualizing sentiment results with visual indicators representing user sentiment and level of uncertainty MC Hao, C Rohrdantz, U Dayal US Patent 8,862,577, 2014 | 23 | 2014 |