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Simon J. L. BillingeColumbia University and Brookhaven National LaboratoryEmail confirmado em columbia.edu
Yury GogotsiA.J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, DrexelEmail confirmado em drexel.edu
Michel W. BarsoumDrexel UniversityEmail confirmado em drexel.edu
Michael NaguibTulane UniversityEmail confirmado em tulane.edu
Paul R. C. KentOak Ridge National LaboratoryEmail confirmado em ornl.gov
Babak AnasoriReilly Rising Star Associate Professor, Purdue UniversityEmail confirmado em purdue.edu
Yu XieJilin UniversityEmail confirmado em jlu.edu.cn
Steven J MayProfessor of Materials Science and Engineering, Drexel UniversityEmail confirmado em drexel.edu
Majid BeidaghiAssociate Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of ArizonaEmail confirmado em arizona.edu
Crystal S. LewisResearch Associate, Stony Brook UniversityEmail confirmado em stonybrook.edu
Jinkyu HanLawrence Livermore National LabEmail confirmado em llnl.gov
Amanda TianoBrandeis UniversityEmail confirmado em brandeis.edu
Stanislaus S. WongState University of New York at Stony Brook / Brookhaven National LaboratoryEmail confirmado em stonybrook.edu
Pavol JuhasGoogle Quantum AIEmail confirmado em google.com
Glenn WaychunasScientific Affiliate, LBNL; Visiting Scientist, CaltechEmail confirmado em lbl.gov
Philip BurnhamKanvas BiosciencesEmail confirmado em kanvasbio.com
Thomas F. FullerProfessor of Chemical Engineering, Georgia TechEmail confirmado em chbe.gatech.edu
Christopher L FarrowFreelanceEmail confirmado em enthought.com
Olha MashtalirDrexel University
Xinzhi LiuUniversity of WaterlooEmail confirmado em uwaterloo.ca
Chenyang Shi
PhD, Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics at Columbia University
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