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Boris MinaevProfessor, Head of chemistry and nanomaterial science Department, Bohdan Khmelnitsky nationalEmail confirmado em theochem.kth.se
Glib BaryshnikovLinköping University, Laboratory of Organic ElectronicsEmail confirmado em liu.se
Faris Gel'mukhanovSiberian Federal University, Russia; Royal Institute of Technology, SwedenEmail confirmado em sfu-kras.ru
Luo Yi - KTHProfessor of Theoretical Chemistry, Royal Institute of Technology, University of Science andEmail confirmado em kth.se
Vincenzo CarravettaIPCF CNREmail confirmado em pi.ipcf.cnr.it
Patrick NormanKTH Royal Institute of TechnologyEmail confirmado em kth.se
Artem V. KuklinUppsala University, Division of X-Ray Photon ScienceEmail confirmado em physics.uu.se
Yaoquan TuAssociate Professor, KTH Royal Institute of TechnologyEmail confirmado em theochem.kth.se
Paras N. PrasadInstitute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics (ILPB), University at BuffaloEmail confirmado em buffalo.edu
Guanying ChenProfessor, Harbin Institute of TechnologyEmail confirmado em hit.edu.cn
Alexander BaevAssociate Research Professor, ILPB, SUNY at BuffaloEmail confirmado em buffalo.edu
Hans Jørgen Aagaard JensenDepartment of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy; University of Southern DenmarkEmail confirmado em sdu.dk
Trygve HelgakerUniversity of OsloEmail confirmado em kjemi.uio.no
Kurt V. MikkelsenProfessor of Theoretical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of CopenhagenEmail confirmado em chem.ku.dk
Arnaldo Naves de BritoState University of Campinas - UNICAMPEmail confirmado em ifi.unicamp.br
Haichun LiuKTH Royal Institute of Technology, SwedenEmail confirmado em kth.se
Raimund FeifelUniversity of GothenburgEmail confirmado em physics.gu.se
Olav VahtrasProfessor of Theoretical Chemistry, KTH Royal Institute of TechnologyEmail confirmado em kth.se
Lasse Kragh SørensenUppsala universityEmail confirmado em kemi.uu.se
Liangliang ZhuFudan University