Edward Kwicklis
Edward Kwicklis
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Estimating recharge at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, USA: comparison of methods
AL Flint, LE Flint, EM Kwicklis, JT Fabryka-Martin, GS Bodvarsson
Hydrogeology Journal 10, 180-204, 2002
Evolution of the conceptual model of unsaturated zone hydrology at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
AL Flint, LE Flint, GS Bodvarsson, EM Kwicklis, J Fabryka-Martin
Journal of Hydrology 247 (1-2), 1-30, 2001
Temperature-profile methods for estimating percolation rates in arid environments
J Constantz, SW Tyler, E Kwicklis
Vadose Zone Journal 2 (1), 12-24, 2003
Numerical investigation of steady liquid water flow in a variably saturated fracture network
EM Kwicklis, RW Healy
Water Resources Research 29 (12), 4091-4102, 1993
Absorption of water into porous blocks of various shapes and sizes
RW Zimmerman, GS Bodvarsson, EM Kwicklis
Water resources research 26 (11), 2797-2806, 1990
Identification of sorption processes and parameters for radionuclide transport in fractured rock
Z Dai, A Wolfsberg, P Reimus, H Deng, E Kwicklis, M Ding, D Ware, M Ye
Journal of Hydrology 414, 220-230, 2012
Hydrology of Yucca Mountain, Nevada
AL Flint, LE Flint, EM Kwicklis, GS Bodvarsson, JM Fabryka‐Martin
Reviews of Geophysics 39 (4), 447-470, 2001
Hydrogeology of the unsaturated zone, North Ramp area of the exploratory studies facility, Yucca Mountain, Nevada
JP Rousseau, EM Kwicklis, DC Gillies
US Geological Survey, Denver, CO (United States), 1999
The site-scale saturated zone flow model for Yucca Mountain: calibration of different conceptual models and their impact on flow paths
G Zyvoloski, E Kwicklis, AA Eddebbarh, B Arnold, C Faunt, BA Robinson
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 62, 731-750, 2003
Multiphase, multicomponent parameter estimation for liquid and vapor fluxes in deep arid systems using hydrologic data and natural environmental tracers
EM Kwicklis, AV Wolfsberg, PH Stauffer, MA Walvoord, MJ Sully
Vadose Zone Journal 5 (3), 934-950, 2006
Preliminary development of the LBL/USGS three-dimensional site-scale model of Yucca Mountain, Nevada
CS Wittwer, G Chen, GS Bodvarsson, M Chornack, A Flint, L Flint, ...
Upscaling retardation factor in hierarchical porous media with multimodal reactive mineral facies
H Deng, Z Dai, AV Wolfsberg, M Ye, PH Stauffer, Z Lu, E Kwicklis
Chemosphere 91 (3), 248-257, 2013
Evaluating the importance of barometric pumping for subsurface gas transport near an underground nuclear test site
SM Bourret, EM Kwicklis, TA Miller, PH Stauffer
Vadose Zone Journal 18 (1), 1-17, 2019
Coupling basin‐and site‐scale inverse models of the Española aquifer
EH Keating, VV Vesselinov, E Kwicklis, Z Lu
Groundwater 41 (2), 200-211, 2003
Development of an infiltration map for the Los Alamos Area, New Mexico
E Kwicklis, M Witkowski, K Birdsell, B Newman, D Walther
Vadose Zone Journal 4 (3), 672-693, 2005
The saturated zone at Yucca Mountain: an overview of the characterization and assessment of the saturated zone as a barrier to potential radionuclide migration
AA Eddebbarh, GA Zyvoloski, BA Robinson, EM Kwicklis, PW Reimus, ...
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 62, 477-493, 2003
Estimation of percolation flux from borehole temperature data at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
GS Bodvarsson, E Kwicklis, C Shan, YS Wu
Journal of contaminant hydrology 62, 3-22, 2003
Evaluation of groundwater flow in the Pahute Mesa–Oasis Valley flow system using groundwater chemical and isotopic data
EM Kwicklis, TP Rose, FC Benedict Jr
Los Alamos National Laboratory, LA-UR-05_4344, Los Alamos, NM, 2005
Beyond Barnwell: Applying lessons learned from the Barnwell site to other historic underground nuclear tests at Pahute Mesa to understand radioactive gas-seepage observations
SM Bourret, EM Kwicklis, DR Harp, JP Ortiz, PH Stauffer
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 222, 106297, 2020
Future water resource shifts in the high desert Southwest of Northern New Mexico, USA
KE Bennett, G Miller, C Talsma, A Jonko, A Bruggeman, A Atchley, ...
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 28, 100678, 2020
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