Ivan A. Petrinovic
Ivan A. Petrinovic
CONICET, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
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Late Cenozoic tectonism, collapse caldera and plateau formation in the central Andes
U Riller, I Petrinovic, J Ramelow, M Strecker, O Oncken
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 188 (3-4), 299-311, 2001
Middle Eocene deformation and sedimentation in the Puna-Eastern Cordillera transition (23-26 S): Control by preexisting heterogeneities on the pattern of initial Andean shortening
F Hongn, C Del Papa, J Powell, I Petrinovic, R Mon, V Deraco
Geology 35 (3), 271-274, 2007
Systematic morphometric characterization of volcanic edifices using digital elevation models
P Grosse, BVW De Vries, PA Euillades, M Kervyn, IA Petrinovic
Geomorphology 136 (1), 114-131, 2012
Morphometry and evolution of arc volcanoes
P Grosse, B van Wyk de Vries, IA Petrinovic, PA Euillades, GE Alvarado
Geology 37 (7), 651-654, 2009
Middle Eocene‐Oligocene broken‐foreland evolution in the Andean Calchaqui Valley, NW Argentina: insights from stratigraphic, structural and provenance studies
C Del Papa, F Hongn, J Powell, P Payrola, M Do Campo, MR Strecker, ...
Basin Research 25 (5), 574-593, 2013
Chemical and isotopic relationships between peridotite xenoliths and mafic–ultrapotassic rocks from Southern Brazil
RW Carlson, ALN Araujo, TC Junqueira-Brod, JC Gaspar, JA Brod, ...
Chemical Geology 242 (3-4), 415-434, 2007
The Cerro Aguas Calientes caldera, NW Argentina: an example of a tectonically controlled, polygenetic collapse caldera, and its regional significance
IA Petrinovic, J Martí, GJ Aguirre-Diaz, S Guzmán, A Geyer, NS Paz
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 194 (1-3), 15-26, 2010
Inversión y reactivación tectónicas cretácicocenozoicas en el Noroeste Argentino: influencia de las heterogeneidades del basamento neoproterozoico-paleozoico inferior
F Hongn, R Mon, I Petrinovic, C Del Papa, J Powell
Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 66 (1-2), 38-53, 2010
Bimodal volcanism in a tectonic transfer zone: evidence for tectonically controlled magmatism in the southern Central Andes, NW Argentina
IA Petrinovic, U Riller, JA Brod, G Alvarado, M Arnosio
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 152 (3-4), 240-252, 2006
Integrated analysis for constraining palaeoclimatic and volcanic influences on clay–mineral assemblages in orogenic basins (Palaeogene Andean foreland, Northwestern Argentina)
M Do Campo, C del Papa, F Nieto, F Hongn, I Petrinovic
Sedimentary Geology 228 (3-4), 98-112, 2010
The Negra Muerta Volcanic Complex, southern Central Andes: geochemical characteristics and magmatic evolution of an episodically active volcanic centre
IA Petrinovic, U Riller, JA Brod
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 140 (4), 295-320, 2005
Spatial–temporal distribution of explosive volcanism in the 25–28 S segment of the Andean Central Volcanic Zone
S Guzmán, P Grosse, C Montero-López, F Hongn, R Pilger, I Petrinovic, ...
Tectonophysics 636, 170-189, 2014
Geophysical features of Deception Island
R Ortiz, J Vila, A García, AG Camacho, JL Diez, A Aparicio, R Soto, ...
Recent progress in Antarctic earth science, 443-448, 1992
Decoupling of paired elements, crossover REE patterns, and mirrored spider diagrams: Fingerprinting liquid immiscibility in the Tapira alkaline–carbonatite complex, SE Brazil
JA Brod, TC Junqueira-Brod, JC Gaspar, IA Petrinovic, ...
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 41, 41-56, 2013
Descripción geoquímica y geocronológica de secuencias volcánicas neógenas de Trasarco, en el extremo oriental de la Cadena Volcánica Transversal del Quevar (Noroeste de Argentina)
IA Petrinovic, J Mitjavila, JG Viramonte, J Martí, R Becchio, M Arnosio, ...
Acta geológica hispánica, 255-272, 1999
La erupción del 22 de diciembre de 2012 del volcán Copahue, Neuquén, Argentina: caracterización del ciclo eruptivo y sus productos
IA Petrinovic, G Villarosa, SP Guzmán, GN Páez, V Outes, C Manzoni, ...
Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 71 (2), 161-173, 2014
Mineralogical and field aspects of magma fragmentation deposits in a carbonate–phosphate magma chamber: evidence from the Catalão I complex, Brazil
CC Ribeiro, JA Brod, TC Junqueira-Brod, JC Gaspar, IA Petrinovic
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 18 (3-4), 355-369, 2005
The Late-Cretaceous Goiás Alkaline Province (GAP), Central Brazil
JA Brod, ESR Barbosa, TC Junqueira-Brod, JC Gaspar, HS Diniz-Pinto, ...
Mesozoic to Cenozoic Alkaline Magmatism in the Brazilian Plataform. Edusp …, 2005
Pleistocene mafic volcanoes in the Puna–Cordillera Oriental boundary, NW-Argentina
SR Guzman, IA Petrinovic, JA Brod
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 158 (1-2), 51-69, 2006
Evidencias de deformación pre-miocena media asociada al antepaís andino en la Cordillera Oriental (24 35 S-66 12 O)
CE del PAPA, FD Hongni, IA Petrinovic, R Domínguez
Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 59 (3), 506-509, 2004
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Artigos 1–20