Femtosecond, two-photon-absorption, laser-induced-fluorescence (fs-TALIF) imaging of atomic hydrogen and oxygen in non-equilibrium plasmas JB Schmidt, S Roy, WD Kulatilaka, I Shkurenkov, IV Adamovich, ... Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50 (1), 015204, 2016 | 95 | 2016 |
Kinetics of excited states and radicals in a nanosecond pulse discharge and afterglow in nitrogen and air I Shkurenkov, D Burnette, WR Lempert, IV Adamovich Plasma Sources Science and Technology 23 (6), 065003, 2014 | 94 | 2014 |
Energy balance in nanosecond pulse discharges in nitrogen and air I Shkurenkov, IV Adamovich Plasma Sources Science and Technology 25 (1), 015021, 2016 | 83 | 2016 |
Two-stage energy thermalization mechanism in nanosecond pulse discharges in air and hydrogen–air mixtures S Lanier, I Shkurenkov, IV Adamovich, WR Lempert Plasma Sources Science and Technology 24 (2), 025005, 2015 | 57 | 2015 |
Electric field measurements in a dielectric barrier nanosecond pulse discharge with sub-nanosecond time resolution BM Goldberg, I Shkurenkov, S O’Byrne, IV Adamovich, WR Lempert Plasma Sources Science and Technology 24 (3), 035010, 2015 | 55 | 2015 |
Simulation of diffuse, constricted-stratified, and constricted modes of a dc discharge in argon: Hysteresis transition between diffuse and constricted-stratified modes IA Shkurenkov, YA Mankelevich, TV Rakhimova Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 79 (4 …, 2009 | 46 | 2009 |
Time-resolved electron density and electron temperature measurements in nanosecond pulse discharges in helium A Roettgen, I Shkurenkov, MS Simeni, V Petrishchev, IV Adamovich, ... Plasma Sources Science and Technology 25 (5), 055009, 2016 | 41 | 2016 |
Electric field in an AC dielectric barrier discharge overlapped with a nanosecond pulse discharge BM Goldberg, I Shkurenkov, IV Adamovich, WR Lempert Plasma Sources Science and Technology 25 (4), 045008, 2016 | 35 | 2016 |
Diffuse and constricted modes of a dc discharge in neon: Simulation of the hysteresis transition IA Shkurenkov, YA Mankelevich, TV Rakhimova Plasma physics reports 34, 780-793, 2008 | 30 | 2008 |
The effects of normal current density and the plasma spatial structuring in argon DBDs IA Shkurenkov, YA Mankelevich, TV Rakhimova The European Physical Journal D 61, 95-105, 2011 | 19 | 2011 |
Time-resolved electron temperature and electron density measurements in a nanosecond pulse filament discharge in H2–He and O2–He mixtures A Roettgen, I Shkurenkov, MS Simeni, IV Adamovich, WR Lempert Plasma Sources Science and Technology 25 (5), 055008, 2016 | 17 | 2016 |
The influence of the discharge parameters on the plasma spatial structuring in argon DBDs IA Shkurenkov, YA Mankelevich, TV Rakhimova The European Physical Journal D 62, 213-217, 2011 | 15 | 2011 |
Kinetics of NO formation and decay in nanosecond pulse discharges in Air, H2-Air, and C2H4-Air mixtures D Burnette, I Shkurenkov, IV Adamovich, WR Lempert Plasma Sources Science and Technology 25 (2), 025012, 2016 | 13 | 2016 |
Thomson scattering studies in He and He/H2 nanosecond pulse nonequilibrium plasmas AM Roettgen, I Shkurenkov, IV Adamovich, WR Lempert 52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1358, 2014 | 10 | 2014 |
Two-dimensional simulation of an atmospheric-pressure RF DBD in a H2: O2 mixture: discharge structures and plasma chemistry IA Shkurenkov, YA Mankelevich, TV Rakhimova Plasma Sources Science and Technology 22 (1), 015021, 2013 | 10 | 2013 |
An examination of nitric oxide kinetics in a plasma afterglow with significant vibrational loading D Burnette, I Shkurenkov, IV Adamovich, WR Lempert 52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1034, 2014 | 7 | 2014 |
Kinetics of NO formation and decay in nanosecond pulse discharges in air-fuel mixtures D Burnette, I Shkurenkov, IV Adamovich, WR Lempert 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1159, 2015 | 3 | 2015 |
Thomson Scattering Measurements of Electron Density and Electron Temperature in a Nanosecond Pulse Surface Discharge AM Roettgen, I Shkurenkov, WR Lempert, IV Adamovich 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1829, 2015 | 3 | 2015 |
Time-resolved electron temperature and number density measurements in a nanosecond pulse filament discharge using thomson scattering AM Roettgen, I Shkurenkov, IV Adamovich, WR Lempert 45th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 2113, 2014 | 2 | 2014 |
Electric field measurements in a nanosecond pulse discharge by picosecond CARS/4-wave mixing B Goldberg, I Shkurenkov, I Adamovich, W Lempert APS Annual Gaseous Electronics Meeting Abstracts, NR1. 003, 2014 | 1 | 2014 |