Seed fate and decision‐making processes in scatter‐hoarding rodents NI Lichti, MA Steele, RK Swihart Biological Reviews 92 (1), 474-504, 2017 | 214 | 2017 |
Mast species composition alters seed fate in North American rodent‐dispersed hardwoods NI Lichti, MA Steele, H Zhang, RK Swihart Ecology 95 (7), 1746-1758, 2014 | 112 | 2014 |
Toward more robust projections of forest landscape dynamics under novel environmental conditions: embedding PnET within LANDIS-II A De Bruijn, EJ Gustafson, BR Sturtevant, JR Foster, BR Miranda, NI Lichti, ... Ecological Modelling 287, 44-57, 2014 | 109 | 2014 |
Consequences of intraspecific variation in seed dispersal for plant demography, communities, evolution and global change RS Snell, NG Beckman, E Fricke, BA Loiselle, CS Carvalho, LR Jones, ... AoB Plants 11 (4), plz016, 2019 | 107 | 2019 |
Estimating utilization distributions with kernel versus local convex hull methods NI Lichti, RK Swihart The Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (2), 413-422, 2011 | 99 | 2011 |
Cache placement, pilfering, and a recovery advantage in a seed-dispersing rodent: Could predation of scatter hoarders contribute to seedling establishment? MA Steele, M Budgal, A Yuan, A Bartlow, J Buzalewski, N Lichti, ... Acta Oecologica 37 (6), 554-560, 2011 | 78 | 2011 |
Temperature preferences of male field crickets (Gryllus integer) alter their mating calls A Hedrick, D Perez, N Lichti, J Yew Journal of Comparative Physiology A 188 (10), 799-805, 2002 | 59 | 2002 |
Segregating the effects of seed traits and common ancestry of hardwood trees on eastern gray squirrel foraging decisions M Sundaram, JR Willoughby, NI Lichti, MA Steele, RK Swihart PLoS One 10 (6), e0130942, 2015 | 39 | 2015 |
Consumer‐mediated indirect interaction with a native plant lowers the fitness of an invasive competitor M Bogdziewicz, NI Lichti, R Zwolak Journal of Ecology 107 (1), 12-22, 2019 | 32 | 2019 |
Eastern gray squirrels are consistent shoppers of seed traits: insights from discrete choice experiments M Sundaram, NI Lichti, NJO Widmar, RK Swihart Integrative Zoology 13 (3), 280-296, 2018 | 30 | 2018 |
Acorn-foraging preferences of four species of free-ranging avian seed predators in eastern deciduous forests KB Richardson, NI Lichti, RK Swihart The Condor 115 (4), 863-873, 2013 | 28 | 2013 |
Midstory removal reduces effectiveness of oak (Quercus) acorn dispersal by small mammals in the Central Hardwood Forest region KF Kellner, NI Lichti, RK Swihart Forest Ecology and Management 375, 182-190, 2016 | 26 | 2016 |
The implications of American chestnut reintroduction on landscape dynamics and carbon storage EJ Gustafson, A de Bruijn, N Lichti, DF Jacobs, BR Sturtevant, J Foster, ... Ecosphere 8 (4), e01773, 2017 | 24 | 2017 |
Scatterhoarders drive long‐and short‐term population dynamics of a nut‐producing tree, while pre‐dispersal seed predators and herbivores have little effect EC Elwood, NI Lichti, SF Fitzsimmons, HJ Dalgleish Journal of Ecology 106 (3), 1191-1203, 2018 | 23 | 2018 |
Selection, caching, and consumption of hardwood seeds by forest rodents: implications for restoration of American chestnut RM Blythe, NI Lichti, TJ Smyser, RK Swihart Restoration Ecology 23 (4), 473-481, 2015 | 21 | 2015 |
Forecasting effects of tree species reintroduction strategies on carbon stocks in a future without historical analog EJ Gustafson, BR Sturtevant, AMG de Bruijn, N Lichti, DF Jacobs, ... Global Change Biology 24 (11), 5500-5517, 2018 | 20 | 2018 |
Does multiple seed loading in Blue Jays result in selective dispersal of smaller acorns? AW Bartlow, M Kachmar, N Lichti, RK Swihart, JA Stratford, MA Steele Integrative Zoology 6 (3), 235-243, 2011 | 18 | 2011 |
Frequency-dependent hoarding by Sciurus carolinensis occurs with seeds of similar perceived value M Sundaram, NI Lichti, MA Steele, HJ Dalgleish, RK Swihart Journal of Mammalogy 98 (1), 124-134, 2017 | 17 | 2017 |
Exposure to herbivores increases seedling growth and survival of American chestnut (Castanea dentata) through decreased interspecific competition in canopy gaps HJ Dalgleish, NI Lichti, N Schmedding, RK Swihart Restoration Ecology 23 (5), 655-661, 2015 | 16 | 2015 |
Re-caching of acorns by rodents: Cache management in eastern deciduous forests of North America AW Bartlow, NI Lichti, R Curtis, RK Swihart, MA Steele Acta Oecologica 92, 117-122, 2018 | 14 | 2018 |