Anatoly Klypin
Anatoly Klypin
Professor Emeritus. New Mexico State University
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Where are the missing galactic satellites?
A Klypin, AV Kravtsov, O Valenzuela, F Prada
The Astrophysical Journal 522 (1), 82, 1999
Sloan digital sky survey: early data release
C Stoughton, RH Lupton, M Bernardi, MR Blanton, S Burles, FJ Castander, ...
The Astronomical Journal 123 (1), 485, 2002
Profiles of dark haloes: evolution, scatter and environment
JS Bullock, TS Kolatt, Y Sigad, RS Somerville, AV Kravtsov, AA Klypin, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 321 (3), 559-575, 2001
Toward a halo mass function for precision cosmology: The Limits of universality
J Tinker, AV Kravtsov, A Klypin, K Abazajian, M Warren, G Yepes, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 688 (2), 709, 2008
Dark matter halos in the standard cosmological model: Results from the bolshoi simulation
AA Klypin, S Trujillo-Gomez, J Primack
The Astrophysical Journal 740 (2), 102, 2011
The large-scale bias of dark matter halos: Numerical calibration and model tests
JL Tinker, BE Robertson, AV Kravtsov, A Klypin, MS Warren, G Yepes, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 724 (2), 878, 2010
A Universal Angular Momentum Profile for GalacticHalos
JS Bullock, A Dekel, TS Kolatt, AV Kravtsov, AA Klypin, C Porciani, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 555 (1), 240, 2001
Response of dark matter halos to condensation of baryons: Cosmological simulations and improved adiabatic contraction model
OY Gnedin, AV Kravtsov, AA Klypin, D Nagai
The Astrophysical Journal 616 (1), 16, 2004
MultiDark simulations: the story of dark matter halo concentrations and density profiles
A Klypin, G Yepes, S Gottlöber, F Prada, S Heß
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 457 (4), 4340-4359, 2016
The dark side of the halo occupation distribution
AV Kravtsov, AA Berlind, RH Wechsler, AA Klypin, S Gottlöber, B Allgood, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 609 (1), 35, 2004
Adaptive refinement tree: a new high-resolution N-body code for cosmological simulations
AV Kravtsov, AA Klypin, AM Khokhlov
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 111 (1), 73, 1997
ΛCDM-based models for the Milky Way and M31. I. Dynamical models
A Klypin, HS Zhao, RS Somerville
The Astrophysical Journal 573 (2), 597, 2002
Halo concentrations in the standard Λ cold dark matter cosmology
F Prada, AA Klypin, AJ Cuesta, JE Betancort-Rijo, J Primack
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 423 (4), 3018-3030, 2012
The tumultuous lives of galactic dwarfs and the missing satellites problem
AV Kravtsov, OY Gnedin, AA Klypin
The Astrophysical Journal 609 (2), 482, 2004
Gravitationally consistent halo catalogs and merger trees for precision cosmology
PS Behroozi, RH Wechsler, HY Wu, MT Busha, AA Klypin, JR Primack
The Astrophysical Journal 763 (1), 18, 2012
Galaxies in N-body simulations: overcoming the overmerging problem
A Klypin, S Gottlöber, AV Kravtsov, AM Khokhlov
The Astrophysical Journal 516 (2), 530, 1999
The santa barbara cluster comparison project: A comparison of cosmological hydrodynamics solutions
CS Frenk, SDM White, P Bode, JR Bond, GL Bryan, R Cen, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 525 (2), 554, 1999
Resolving the structure of cold dark matter halos
A Klypin, AV Kravtsov, JS Bullock, JR Primack
The Astrophysical Journal 554 (2), 903, 2001
The cores of dark matter-dominated galaxies: theory versus observations
AV Kravtsov, AA Klypin, JS Bullock, JR Primack
The Astrophysical Journal 502 (1), 48, 1998
Haloes gone MAD: the halo-finder comparison project
A Knebe, SR Knollmann, SI Muldrew, FR Pearce, MA Aragon-Calvo, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 415 (3), 2293-2318, 2011
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