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Jana ZscheischlerProfessor for Geography at University of VechtaEmail confirmado em zalf.de
Jennifer FitchettProfessor of Physical Geography, University of the WitwatersrandEmail confirmado em wits.ac.za
Gijsbert HoogendoornProfessor of Human Geography, University of JohannesburgEmail confirmado em uj.ac.za
Heiko FaustUniversity of GoettingenEmail confirmado em gwdg.de
Markus KeckUniversität Augsburg, Center for Climate ResilienceEmail confirmado em uni-a.de
Daniel López-GarcíaInstituto de Economía, Geografía y Demografía, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientíficasEmail confirmado em cchs.csic.es
José Luis Vicente VicenteSpanish National Research Council (CSIC)Email confirmado em cchs.csic.es
Felix ZollLeibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF)Email confirmado em zalf.de
Gideon TupsUniversity of CologneEmail confirmado em uni-koeln.de
Markus GrillitschDepartment of Human Geography & CIRCLE, Lund UniversityEmail confirmado em keg.lu.se
Michael P. SchlaileLeibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF); University of Hohenheim; HfGGEmail confirmado em zalf.de
Linda StihlPhd in Economic Geography, Lund UniversityEmail confirmado em keg.lu.se
Abe HendriksJunior Assistant Professor, Utrecht UniversityEmail confirmado em uu.nl
Machteld SimoensRWTH AachenEmail confirmado em rwth-aachen.de
Johan MiörnerLund UniversityEmail confirmado em keg.lu.se
Jonathan Friedrich
Postdoc, Department of Human Geography, Lund University
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