The impact of servitization and digitization on productivity and profitability of the firm: a systematic approach AA Kharlamov, G Parry Production Planning & Control 32 (3), 185-197, 2021 | 107 | 2021 |
Development of a purchasing portfolio model for the construction industry: an empirical study LMDF Ferreira, A Arantes, AA Kharlamov Production Planning & Control 26 (5), 377-392, 2015 | 72 | 2015 |
Osnovy raboty s tekhnologiei CUDA [Basics of working with CUDA technology] AV Boreskov, AA Kharlamov Moscow: DMK, 2010 | 66 | 2010 |
Discrete cosine transform for 8x8 blocks with CUDA A Obukhov, A Kharlamov NVIDIA white paper, 2008 | 56 | 2008 |
Image denoising A Kharlamov, V Podlozhnyuk NVIDIA, 2007 | 51 | 2007 |
Improving productivity in Hollywood with data science: Using emotional arcs of movies to drive product and service innovation in entertainment industries M Del Vecchio, A Kharlamov, G Parry, G Pogrebna Journal of the Operational Research Society 72 (5), 1110-1137, 2021 | 47 | 2021 |
The impact of cross-cultural differences in handwashing patterns on the COVID-19 outbreak magnitude G Pogrebna, A Kharlamov Regulation and Governance 10, 1-8, 2020 | 43 | 2020 |
Smart city data sensing during COVID-19: Public reaction to accelerating digital transformation AA Kharlamov, AN Raskhodchikov, M Pilgun Sensors 21 (12), 3965, 2021 | 37 | 2021 |
Neuroinformatics and semantic representations: theory and applications AA Kharlamov, M Pilgun Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020 | 35 | 2020 |
Advanced supply chains: Visibility, blockchain and human behaviour A Kharlamov, G Parry Innovation and Supply Chain Management: Relationship, Collaboration and …, 2018 | 35 | 2018 |
Application of a purchasing portfolio model in a construction company in two distinct markets A Arantes, LMDF Ferreira, AA Kharlamov Journal of Management in Engineering 30 (5), 04014020, 2014 | 24 | 2014 |
Fundamentals of CUDA technology AV Boreskov, AA Kharlamov DMK-Press, Moscow, 2010 | 23 | 2010 |
Using human values‐based approach to understand cross‐cultural commitment toward regulation and governance of cybersecurity† A Kharlamov, G Pogrebna Regulation & Governance 15 (3), 709-724, 2021 | 22 | 2021 |
Application of Kraljic’s purchasing portfolio matrix in construction industry–A case study LM Ferreira, AA Kharlamov International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management …, 2012 | 20 | 2012 |
The Shikotan Tsunami of October 5, 1994 AI Ivashchenko, VK Gusyakov, VA Dzhumagaliev, H Yekh, LD Zhukova, ... Transactions of the Russian Academy of Sciences-Earth Science Sections 348 …, 1996 | 20 | 1996 |
Physical processes in the ocean as indicators for direct tsunami registration from satellite BW Levin, VM Kaistrenko, A Kharlamov, M Chepareva, V Kryshny Proc. of the IUGG/IOC Int. Tsunami Sympos, 309-319, 1993 | 17 | 1993 |
The impact of intersectional racial and gender biases on minority female leadership over two centuries G Pogrebna, S Angelopoulos, I Motsi-Omoijiade, A Kharlamov, ... Scientific Reports 14 (1), 111, 2024 | 16 | 2024 |
Modeling of process dynamics by sequence of homogenous semantic networks on the base of text corpus sequence analysis AA Kharlamov, TV Yermolenko, AA Zhonin Speech and Computer: 16th International Conference, SPECOM 2014, Novi Sad …, 2014 | 16 | 2014 |
Parallel'nye vychisleniya na GPU AV Boreskov, AA Kharlamov, N Markovskiy, DN Mikushin, EV Mortikov, ... Arkhitektura i programmnaya model'CUDA [Parallel calculations on GPU …, 2012 | 16 | 2012 |
The basics of working with CUDA technology AV Boreskov, AA Kharlamov Moscow: DMK Press, 2010 | 16 | 2010 |