Bulk hydrometeor classification and quantification using polarimetric radar data: Synthesis of relations JM Straka, DS Zrnić, AV Ryzhkov Journal of Applied Meteorology 39 (8), 1341-1372, 2000 | 706 | 2000 |
Cloud microphysics retrieval using S-band dual-polarization radar measurements J Vivekanandan, DS Zrnic, SM Ellis, R Oye, AV Ryzhkov, J Straka Bulletin of the american meteorological society 80 (3), 381-388, 1999 | 607 | 1999 |
Direct surface thermodynamic observations within the rear-flank downdrafts of nontornadic and tornadic supercells PM Markowski, JM Straka, EN Rasmussen Monthly weather review 130 (7), 1692-1721, 2002 | 470 | 2002 |
Charge structure and lightning sensitivity in a simulated multicell thunderstorm ER Mansell, DR MacGorman, CL Ziegler, JM Straka Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 110 (D12), 2005 | 399 | 2005 |
Simulated three‐dimensional branched lightning in a numerical thunderstorm model ER Mansell, DR MacGorman, CL Ziegler, JM Straka Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 107 (D9), ACL 2-1-ACL 2-12, 2002 | 386 | 2002 |
Verification of the origins of rotation in tornadoes experiment: VORTEX EN Rasmussen, JM Straka, R Davies-Jones, CA Doswell III, FH Carr, ... Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 75 (6), 995-1006, 1994 | 362 | 1994 |
Precipitation uncertainty due to variations in precipitation particle parameters within a simple microphysics scheme MS Gilmore, JM Straka, EN Rasmussen Monthly weather review 132 (11), 2610-2627, 2004 | 360 | 2004 |
Design and deployment of a portable, pencil-beam, pulsed, 3-cm Doppler radar J Wurman, J Straka, E Rasmussen, M Randall, A Zahrai Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 14 (6), 1502-1512, 1997 | 299 | 1997 |
The occurrence of tornadoes in supercells interacting with boundaries during VORTEX-95 PM Markowski, EN Rasmussen, JM Straka Weather and Forecasting 13 (3), 852-859, 1998 | 290 | 1998 |
Numerical solutions of a non‐linear density current: A benchmark solution and comparisons JM Straka, RB Wilhelmson, LJ Wicker, JR Anderson, KK Droegemeier International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 17 (1), 1-22, 1993 | 290 | 1993 |
Testing a procedure for automatic classification of hydrometeor types DS Zrnić, A Ryzhkov, J Straka, Y Liu, J Vivekanandan Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 18 (6), 892-913, 2001 | 262 | 2001 |
TELEX the thunderstorm electrification and lightning experiment DR MacGorman, WD Rust, TJ Schuur, MI Biggerstaff, JM Straka, ... Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 89 (7), 997-1014, 2008 | 258 | 2008 |
Precipitation and evolution sensitivity in simulated deep convective storms: Comparisons between liquid-only and simple ice and liquid phase microphysics MS Gilmore, JM Straka, EN Rasmussen Monthly Weather Review 132 (8), 1897-1916, 2004 | 241 | 2004 |
A lightning parameterization for numerical cloud models DR MacGorman, JM Straka, CL Ziegler Journal of Applied Meteorology 40 (3), 459-478, 2001 | 199 | 2001 |
The shared mobile atmospheric research and teaching radar: A collaboration to enhance research and teaching MI Biggerstaff, LJ Wicker, J Guynes, C Ziegler, JM Straka, EN Rasmussen, ... Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 86 (9), 1263-1274, 2005 | 188 | 2005 |
A mobile mesonet for finescale meteorological observations JM Straka, EN Rasmussen, SE Fredrickson Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 13 (5), 921-936, 1996 | 187 | 1996 |
Variability of storm-relative helicity during VORTEX PM Markowski, JM Straka, EN Rasmussen, DO Blanchard Monthly weather review 126 (11), 2959-2971, 1998 | 185 | 1998 |
Cloud and precipitation microphysics: principles and parameterizations JM Straka Cambridge University Press, 2009 | 184 | 2009 |
Tornadogenesis resulting from the transport of circulation by a downdraft: Idealized numerical simulations PM Markowski, JM Straka, EN Rasmussen Journal of the atmospheric sciences 60 (6), 795-823, 2003 | 180 | 2003 |
The association of significant tornadoes with a baroclinic boundary on 2 June 1995 EN Rasmussen, S Richardson, JM Straka, PM Markowski, DO Blanchard Monthly weather review 128 (1), 174-191, 2000 | 171 | 2000 |