Andrew W. Bartlow
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Forecasting zoonotic infectious disease response to climate change: Mosquito vectors and a changing environment
AW Bartlow, C Manore, C Xu, KA Kaufeld, S Del Valle, A Ziemann, ...
Veterinary Sciences 6 (2), 40, 2019
Galápagos mockingbirds tolerate introduced parasites that affect Darwin's finches
SA Knutie, JP Owen, SM McNew, AW Bartlow, E Arriero, JM Herman, ...
Ecology 97 (4), 940-950, 2016
Updated distribution maps of predominant Culex mosquitoes across the Americas
ME Gorris, AW Bartlow, SD Temple, D Romero-Alvarez, DP Shutt, JM Fair, ...
Parasites & vectors 14, 1-13, 2021
Cache placement, pilfering, and a recovery advantage in a seed-dispersing rodent: could predation of scatter hoarders contribute to seedling establishment?
MA Steele, M Bugdal, A Yuan, A Bartlow, J Buzalewski, N Lichti, ...
Acta Oecologica 37 (6), 554-560, 2011
Phoresy in animals: review and synthesis of a common but understudied mode of dispersal
AW Bartlow, SJ Agosta
Biological Reviews, 2020
Walk or ride? Phoretic behaviour of amblyceran and ischnoceran lice
AW Bartlow, SM Villa, MW Thompson, SE Bush
International Journal for Parasitology 46 (4), 221-227, 2016
Darwin’s finches combat introduced nest parasites with fumigated cotton
SA Knutie, SM McNew, AW Bartlow, DA Vargas, DH Clayton
Current Biology 24 (9), R355-R356, 2014
Acorn size and tolerance to seed predators: the multiple roles of acorns as food for seed predators, fruit for dispersal and fuel for growth
AW Bartlow, SJ Agosta, R Curtis, X Yi, MA Steele
Integrative Zoology 13 (3), 251-266, 2018
Alternative strategies of seed predator escape by early‐germinating oaks in Asia and North America
X Yi, Y Yang, R Curtis, AW Bartlow, SJ Agosta, MA Steele
Ecology and Evolution 2 (3), 487-492, 2012
Responses of seedling growth and survival to post‐germination cotyledon removal: an investigation among seven oak species
X Yi, AW Bartlow, R Curtis, SJ Agosta, MA Steele
Journal of Ecology, 2019
Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects
Ability of chestnut oak to tolerate acorn pruning by rodents: the role of the cotyledonary petiole
X Yi, R Curtis, AW Bartlow, SJ Agosta, MA Steele
Naturwissenschaften 100, 81-90, 2013
Scoping review of Culex mosquito life history trait heterogeneity in response to temperature
SK Moser, M Barnard, RM Frantz, JA Spencer, KA Rodarte, IK Crooker, ...
Parasites & Vectors 16 (1), 1-16, 2023
Long‐term variation in environmental conditions influences host–parasite fitness
K Musgrave, AW Bartlow, JM Fair
Ecology and evolution 9 (13), 7688-7703, 2019
Forecasting Zoonotic Infectious Disease Response to Climate Change: Mosquito Vectors and a Changing Environment. Vet Sci. 6 (2), 40
AW Bartlow, C Manore, C Xu, KA Kaufeld, S Del Valle, A Ziemann, ...
Ontogenetic consistency in oak defence syndromes
X Moreira, L Abdala‐Roberts, A Galmán, AW Bartlow, JCBM y Teran, ...
Journal of Ecology, 2020
Incorporating cache management behavior into seed dispersal: the effect of pericarp removal on acorn germination
X Yi, M Zhang, AW Bartlow, Z Dong
PloS one 9 (3), e92544, 2014
Avian communities are decreasing with piñon pine mortality in the southwest
JM Fair, CD Hathcock, AW Bartlow
Biological Conservation 226, 186-195, 2018
Microbial and geochemical dynamics of an aquifer stimulated for microbial induced calcite precipitation (MICP)
JA Ohan, S Saneiyan, J Lee, AW Bartlow, D Ntarlagiannis, SE Burns, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 11, 1327, 2020
Identification and distribution of pathogens coinfecting with Brucella spp., Coxiella burnetii and Rift Valley fever virus in humans, livestock and wildlife
EA Middlebrook, AT Romero, B Bett, D Nthiwa, SO Oyola, JM Fair, ...
Zoonoses and Public Health, 2022
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