Sameer Hosany
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Destination image and destination personality: An application of branding theories to tourism places
S Hosany, Y Ekinci, M Uysal
Journal of business research 59 (5), 638-642, 2006
Destination personality: An application of brand personality to tourism destinations
Y Ekinci, S Hosany
Journal of travel research 45 (2), 127-139, 2006
Dimensions of cruisers’ experiences, satisfaction, and intention to recommend
S Hosany, M Witham
Journal of travel research 49 (3), 351-364, 2010
Understanding the relationships between tourists’ emotional experiences, perceived overall image, satisfaction, and intention to recommend
G Prayag, S Hosany, B Muskat, G Del Chiappa
Journal of travel research 56 (1), 41-54, 2017
Measuring tourists’ emotional experiences toward hedonic holiday destinations
S Hosany, D Gilbert
Journal of Travel Research 49 (4), 513, 2010
The role of tourists' emotional experiences and satisfaction in understanding behavioral intentions
G Prayag, S Hosany, K Odeh
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 2 (2), 118-127, 2013
Self-image congruence in consumer behavior
S Hosany, D Martin
Journal of Business Research 65 (5), 685-691, 2012
Destination image and destination personality
S Hosany, Y Ekinci, M Uysal
International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research 1 (1), 62-81, 2007
London residents' support for the 2012 Olympic Games: The mediating effect of overall attitude
G Prayag, S Hosany, R Nunkoo, T Alders
Tourism management 36, 629-640, 2013
Patterns of tourists' emotional responses, satisfaction, and intention to recommend
S Hosany, G Prayag
Journal of Business Research, 2011
Mediating effects of place attachment and satisfaction on the relationship between tourists’ emotions and intention to recommend
S Hosany, G Prayag, R Van Der Veen, S Huang, S Deesilatham
Journal of Travel Research 56 (8), 1079-1093, 2017
Measuring Tourists' Emotional Experiences: Further Validation of the Destination Emotion Scale
S Hosany, G Prayag, S Deesilatham, S Causevic, K Odeh
Journal of Travel Research, 2014
Appraisal determinants of tourist emotional responses
S Hosany
Journal of travel Research 51 (3), 303-314, 2012
When Middle East meets West: Understanding the motives and perceptions of young tourists from United Arab Emirates
G Prayag, S Hosany
Tourism Management 40, 35-45, 2014
Memorable tourism experience: A review and research agenda
S Hosany, E Sthapit, P Björk
Psychology & Marketing 39 (8), 1467-1486, 2022
The influence of place attachment, ad-evoked positive affect, and motivation on intention to visit: Imagination proclivity as a moderator
S Hosany, D Buzova, S Sanz-Blas
Journal of Travel Research 59 (3), 477-495, 2020
Consumer interaction with cutting-edge technologies: Implications for future research
N Ameen, S Hosany, A Tarhini
Computers in Human Behavior, 106761, 2021
Emotions in tourism: Theoretical designs, measurements, analytics, and interpretations
S Hosany, D Martin, AG Woodside
Journal of Travel Research 60 (7), 1391-1407, 2021
Theory and strategies of anthropomorphic brand characters from Peter Rabbit, Mickey Mouse, and Ronald McDonald, to Hello Kitty
S Hosany, G Prayag, D Martin, WY Lee
Journal of Marketing Management 29 (1-2), 48-68, 2013
The personalisation-privacy paradox: Consumer interaction with smart technologies and shopping mall loyalty
N Ameen, S Hosany, J Paul
Computers in Human Behavior 126, 106976, 2022
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