Wrik Mallik
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Effect of flutter on the multidisciplinary design optimization of truss-braced-wing aircraft
W Mallik, RK Kapania, JA Schetz
Journal of Aircraft 52 (6), 1858-1872, 2015
Semi-active vibration control of connected buildings using magnetorheological dampers
GB Motra, W Mallik, NK Chandiramani
Journal of intelligent material systems and structures 22 (16), 1811-1827, 2011
Rapid transonic flutter analysis for aircraft conceptual design applications
W Mallik, JA Schetz, RK Kapania
AIAA Journal 56 (6), 2389-2402, 2018
Predicting transmission loss in underwater acoustics using convolutional recurrent autoencoder network
W Mallik, RK Jaiman, J Jelovica
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 152 (3), 1627-1638, 2022
Multidisciplinary design optimization of subsonic strut-braced wing aircraft
R Gupta, W Mallik, RK Kapania, JA Schetz
52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 0186, 2014
Aerodynamic damping investigations of light dynamic stall on a pitching airfoil via modal analysis
W Mallik, DE Raveh
Journal of Fluids and Structures 98, 103111, 2020
Multidisciplinary design optimization of medium-range transonic truss-braced wing aircraft with flutter constraint
W Mallik, RK Kapania, JA Schetz
54th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials …, 2013
Aeroelastic applications of a variable-geometry raked wingtip
W Mallik, RK Kapania, JA Schetz
Journal of Aircraft 54 (1), 62-74, 2017
Distributed design optimization of large aspect ratio wing aircraft with rapid transonic flutter analysis in linux
KH Khan, W Mallik, RK Kapania, JA Schetz
AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, 1354, 2021
Mitigation of vortex-induced vibration lock-in using time-delay closed-loop control
W Mallik, S Santra
Nonlinear Dynamics 100, 1441-1456, 2020
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization and Cruise Mach Number Study of Truss-Braced Wing Aircraft
RK Kapania, JA Schetz, W Mallik, MC Segee, R Gupta
Gust response at high angles of attack
W Mallik, DE Raveh
AIAA Journal 57 (8), 3250-3260, 2019
Kriging-based aeroelastic gust response analysis at high angles of attack
W Mallik, DE Raveh
AIAA Journal 58 (9), 3777-3787, 2020
Deep convolutional neural network for shape optimization using level-set approach
W Mallik, N Farvolden, J Jelovica, RK Jaiman
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.06210, 2022
Transonic Shock Buffet on the Benchmark Supercritical Wing
L Poplingher, W Mallik, DE Raveh
AIAA Scitech 2022 Forum, 2314, 2022
Deep neural network for learning wave scattering and interference of underwater acoustics
W Mallik, R Jaiman, J Jelovica
Physics of Fluids 36 (1), 2024
Transonic aeroelastic analysis for multidisciplinary design optimization applications
W Mallik, RK Kapania, JA Schetz
57th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials …, 2016
Aeroelastic Analyses of the Free Flight of the Active Aeroelastic Aircraft Testbed (A3TB) Platform
B Sharqi, CE Cesnik, N Yechieli, W Mallik, DE Raveh, M Karpel
AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, 0905, 2021
Computationally efficient gust load analysis at high angles of attack
W Mallik, DE Raveh
AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 1530, 2019
Assessment of convolutional recurrent autoencoder network for learning wave propagation
W Mallik, RK Jaiman, J Jelovica
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.05573, 2022
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