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Markus FischerProfessor of Plant Ecology, University of BernEmail confirmado em ips.unibe.ch
Daniel PratiInstitute of Plant Sciences, University of BerneEmail confirmado em ips.unibe.ch
Jörg MüllerBiologe, Heinz Sielmann FoundationEmail confirmado em sielmann-stiftung.de
Stephanie A. SocherUniversität SalzburgEmail confirmado em sbg.ac.at
Jürgen DenglerProfessor of Vegetation Ecology, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)Email confirmado em zhaw.ch
Ingo SchöningMax Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, GermanyEmail confirmado em bgc-jena.mpg.de
Valentin H. KlausRuhr University BochumEmail confirmado em ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Norbert HölzelProfessor of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Inst. of Landscape Ecology, University of MünsterEmail confirmado em uni-muenster.de
Martin M. GossnerSenior Scientist, Head of Forerst Entomology, Swiss Federal Research Institute WSLEmail confirmado em wsl.ch
Till KleinebeckerJustus Liebig University Gießen, Institute of Landscape Ecology and Resources ManagementEmail confirmado em umwelt.uni-giessen.de
Peter SchallSilviculture and Forest Ecology of the Temperate Zones, Georg-August University GöttingenEmail confirmado em gwdg.de
Ariel BergaminiWSL Swiss Federal Research InstituteEmail confirmado em wsl.ch
Eric AllanUniversity of BernEmail confirmado em ips.unibe.ch
Christian AmmerProfessor of Silviculture and Forest Ecology of the temperate zonesEmail confirmado em forst.uni-goettingen.de
Marion SchrumpfMax-Planck-Institute for BiogeocheminstryEmail confirmado em bgc-jena.mpg.de
Ellen KandelerProfessor of Soil BiologyEmail confirmado em uni-hohenheim.de
Dominik HessenmöllerThüringenForst-AÖREmail confirmado em forst.thueringen.de
Iwona DembiczFaculty of Biology, University of WarsawEmail confirmado em biol.uw.edu.pl
Francois BuscotHelmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZEmail confirmado em ufz.de