Vijay G S
Vijay G S
Professor, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology
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Regression analysis and ANN models to predict rock properties from sound levels produced during drilling
BR Kumar, H Vardhan, M Govindaraj, GS Vijay
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 58, 61-72, 2013
ANN based evaluation of performance of wavelet transform for condition monitoring of rolling element bearing
HS Kumar, PS Pai, NS Sriram, GS Vijay
Procedia engineering 64, 805-814, 2013
Soft computing techniques during drilling of bi-directional carbon fiber reinforced composite
N Shetty, MA Herbert, R Shetty, DS Shetty, GS Vijay
Applied Soft Computing 41, 466-478, 2016
Wavelet Transform for Bearing Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis: A Review
HS Kumar, P Srinivasa Pai, GS Vijay, BKNR Raj
International Journal of COMADEM, COMADEM International, UK 17 (1), 9-23, 2014
Rolling element bearing fault diagnostics: Development of health index
HS Kumar, SP Pai, NS Sriram, GS Vijay
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2017
Evaluation of effectiveness of wavelet based denoising schemes using ANN and SVM for bearing condition classification
V GS, K HS, S Pai P, S NS, RBKN Rao
Computational intelligence and neuroscience 2012 (1), 582453, 2012
Radial basis function neural network based comparison of dimensionality reduction techniques for effective bearing diagnostics
V GS, SP Pai, NS Sriram, RBKN Rao
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of …, 2013
Experimental investigation in drilling of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite using HSS and solid carbide drills
N Shetty, MA Herbert, DS Shetty, G Vijay, R Shetty, B Shivamurthy
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 5 (1), 313-320, 2015
Comparative study of random forest and gradient boosting algorithms to predict airfoil self-noise
SB Nadkarni, GS Vijay, RC Kamath
Engineering Proceedings 59 (1), 24, 2023
Comparative study on classification of machined surfaces using ML techniques applied to GLCM based image features
G Prasad, GS Vijay, R Kamath
Materials Today: Proceedings 62, 1440-1445, 2022
Selection of mother wavelet for effective wavelet transform of bearing vibration signals
HS Kumar, P Srinivasa Pai, NS Sriram, GS Vijay
Advanced Materials Research 1039, 169-176, 2014
Multiscale slope feature extraction for gear and bearing fault diagnosis using wavelet transform
B Vishwash, PS Pai, NS Sriram, R Ahmed, HS Kumar, GS Vijay
Procedia Materials Science 5, 1650-1659, 2014
Prediction of performance and emission characteristics in a biodiesel engine using WCO ester: a comparative study of neural networks
BRSRGSV Shiva Kumar, P. Srinivasa Pai
Soft Computing, 2015
Evaluation of drilling induced delamination of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite using solid carbide drills
MA Herbert, D Shetty, GS Vijay, R Shetty
European Scientific Journal 10 (15), 2014
Modeling and optimization of tannase production with Triphala in packed bed reactor by response surface methodology, genetic algorithm, and artificial neural …
S Selvaraj, RM Vytla, GS Vijay, K Natarajan
3 Biotech 9, 1-12, 2019
Cryogenic machining of elastomers: a review
P Maurya, V GS, R Kamath C, B Shivamurthy
Machining Science and Technology 25 (3), 477-525, 2021
Mechanical modelling and simulation of thrust force in drilling process in GFRP composite laminates: A novel system dynamics approach
AKRB 22. B. R. N. Murthy, Vijay G. S., S. Narayan, Nithesh Naik, Nilakshman ...
Cogent Engineering 6 (Issue 1), 1-12, 2019
Comparison of denoising schemes and dimensionality reduction techniques for fault diagnosis of rolling element bearing using wavelet transform
HS Kumar, PS Pai, NS Sriram, GS Vijay, MV Patil
International Journal of Manufacturing Research 11 (3), 238-258, 2016
Vibration signal analysis for defect characterization of rolling element bearing using some soft computing techniques
GS Vijay
Thesis, Visvesvaraya Technological University, India, 2013
Bearing Diagnostics Ȃ A Radial Basis Function Neural Network Approach
GS Vijay, SP Pai, NS Sriram, BKN Raj
Proc. 24th Intern. Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics …, 2011
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