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Todos | Desde 2020 | |
Citações | 71391 | 46620 |
Índice h | 76 | 52 |
Índice i10 | 175 | 121 |
Ralf HerbrichHasso Plattner InstituteEmail confirmado em hpi.de
Marc LanctotResearch Scientist, Google DeepMindEmail confirmado em google.com
David SilverDeepMind, UCLEmail confirmado em google.com
Laurent SifreH CompanyEmail confirmado em polytechnique.edu
Arthur GuezGoogle DeepMindEmail confirmado em google.com
Joel Z LeiboResearch scientistEmail confirmado em google.com
Yoram BachrachMeta (FAIR)Email confirmado em meta.com
Klaus ObermayerProfessor, Fakultät IV - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Technische Universität BerlinEmail confirmado em tu-berlin.de
Timothy P. LillicrapDirector of Research, Google DeepMindEmail confirmado em google.com
Karl TuylsResearch Scientist Meta AI, ex-Google DeepMind, Prof at University of LiverpoolEmail confirmado em meta.com
Karen SimonyanChief Scientist, Microsoft AIEmail confirmado em microsoft.com
Thomas HubertGoogle DeepmindEmail confirmado em google.com
Michal KosinskiStanford UniversityEmail confirmado em stanford.edu
Chris J. MaddisonUniversity of TorontoEmail confirmado em cs.toronto.edu
koray kavukcuogluDeepMindEmail confirmado em kavukcuoglu.org
David StillwellCambridge UniversityEmail confirmado em cam.ac.uk
Matthew LaiDeepMindEmail confirmado em google.com
julien perolatDeepMindEmail confirmado em google.com
Aja HuangDeepMindEmail confirmado em google.com
Vinicius ZambaldiGoogle DeepmindEmail confirmado em google.com
Thore Graepel
Global Lead Computational Science, AI & ML at Altos Labs and Chair of Machine Learning, UCL
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