Nicolli Rios
Nicolli Rios
PostDoc Reseacher at COPPE - UFRJ
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Identification and management of technical debt: A systematic mapping study
NSR Alves, TS Mendes, MG De Mendonça, RO Spínola, F Shull, ...
Information and Software Technology 70, 100-121, 2016
A tertiary study on technical debt: Types, management strategies, research trends, and base information for practitioners
N Rios, MG de Mendonça Neto, RO Spínola
Information and Software Technology 102, 117-145, 2018
Towards an ontology of terms on technical debt
NSR Alves, LF Ribeiro, V Caires, TS Mendes, RO Spínola
2014 sixth international workshop on managing technical debt, 1-7, 2014
The practitioners’ point of view on the concept of technical debt and its causes and consequences: a design for a global family of industrial surveys and its first results from …
N Rios, RO Spínola, M Mendonça, C Seaman
Empirical Software Engineering 25, 3216-3287, 2020
The most common causes and effects of technical debt: first results from a global family of industrial surveys
N Rios, RO Spínola, M Mendonça, C Seaman
Proceedings of the 12th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical …, 2018
Supporting analysis of technical debt causes and effects with cross-company probabilistic cause-effect diagrams
N Rios, RO Spínola, M Mendonça, C Seaman
2019 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Technical Debt (TechDebt), 3-12, 2019
Actions and impediments for technical debt prevention: results from a global family of industrial surveys
S Freire, N Rios, M Mendonça, D Falessi, C Seaman, C Izurieta, ...
Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1548-1555, 2020
Surveying software practitioners on technical debt payment practices and reasons for not paying off debt items
S Freire, N Rios, B Gutierrez, D Torres, M Mendonça, C Izurieta, ...
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Evaluation and …, 2020
Investigating the link between user stories and documentation debt on software projects
HF Soares, NSR Alves, TS Mendes, M Mendonça, RO Spinola
2015 12th International Conference on Information Technology-New Generations …, 2015
Hearing the voice of software practitioners on causes, effects, and practices to deal with documentation debt
N Rios, L Mendes, C Cerdeiral, APF Magalhães, B Perez, D Correal, ...
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality: 26th …, 2020
Prevalence, common causes and effects of technical debt: Results from a family of surveys with the IT industry
R Ramač, V Mandić, N Taušan, N Rios, S Freire, B Pérez, C Castellanos, ...
Journal of Systems and Software 184, 111114, 2022
Technical debt payment and prevention through the lenses of software architects
B Pérez, C Castellanos, D Correal, N Rios, S Freire, R Spínola, ...
Information and Software Technology 140, 106692, 2021
What are the practices used by software practitioners on technical debt payment: results from an international family of surveys
B Pérez, C Castellanos, D Correal, N Rios, S Freire, R Spínola, ...
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Technical Debt, 103-112, 2020
Causes and effects of the presence of technical debt in agile software projects
N Rios, MG Mendonça, C Seaman, RO Spínola
A Strategy Based on Multiple Decision Criteria to Support Technical Debt Management
Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications 1, 1, 2017
A study of factors that lead development teams to incur technical debt in software projects
N Rios, RO Spinola, MG de Mendonça Neto, C Seaman
2018 44th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced …, 2018
Common causes and effects of technical debt in Serbian IT: InsighTD survey replication
R Ramač, V Mandić, N Taušan, N Rios, MG de Mendonca Neto, ...
2020 46th euromicro conference on software engineering and advanced …, 2020
Familiarity, causes and reactions of software practitioners to the presence of technical debt: a replicated study in the chilean software industry
B Pérez, JP Brito, H Astudillo, D Correal, N Rios, RO Spínola, ...
2019 38th international conference of the chilean computer science society …, 2019
Software practitioners’ point of view on technical debt payment
S Freire, N Rios, B Pérez, C Castellanos, D Correal, R Ramač, V Mandić, ...
Journal of Systems and Software 196, 111554, 2023
Pitfalls and solutions for technical debt management in agile software projects
S Freire, N Rios, B Pérez, C Castellanos, D Correal, R Ramač, V Mandić, ...
IEEE Software 38 (6), 42-49, 2021
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Artigos 1–20