Boyer C.
Boyer C.
Executive Director, Health On the Net Foundation
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The health on the net code of conduct for medical and health websites
C Boyer, M Selby, JR Scherrer, RD Appel
Computers in biology and medicine 28 (5), 603-610, 1998
Evolution of health web certification through the HONcode experience
C Boyer, V Baujard, A Geissbuhler
User centred networked health care, 53-57, 2011
Using argumentation to extract key sentences from biomedical abstracts
P Ruch, C Boyer, C Chichester, I Tbahriti, A Geissbühler, P Fabry, ...
International journal of medical informatics 76 (2-3), 195-200, 2007
Health on the Net Foundation: assessing the quality of health web pages all over the world
C Boyer, A Gaudinat, V Baujard, A Geissbühler
Medinfo, 1017-1021, 2007
Automated detection of HONcode website conformity compared to manual detection: an evaluation
C Boyer, L Dolamic
Journal of medical Internet research 17 (6), e135, 2015
Trends in medical information retrieval on internet
O Baujard, V Baujard, S Aurel, C Boyer, RD Appel
Computers in Biology and Medicine 28 (5), 589-601, 1998
Improving the transparency of health information found on the internet through the honcode: a comparative study
S Laversin, V Baujard, A Gaudinat, MA Simonet, C Boyer
User Centred Networked Health Care, 654-658, 2011
Results of the 10th HON Survey on Health and Medical Internet Use
N Pletneva, S Cruchet, MA Simonet, M Kajiwara, C Boyer
User Centred Networked Health Care, 73-77, 2011
Health search engine with e-document analysis for reliable search results
A Gaudinat, P Ruch, M Joubert, P Uziel, A Strauss, M Thonnet, R Baud, ...
International Journal of Medical Informatics 75 (1), 73-85, 2006
Machine learning approach for automatic quality criteria detection of health web pages
A Gaudinat, N Grabar, C Boyer
Medinfo 129, 705-709, 2007
Health On the Net automated database of health and medical information
C Boyer, O Baujard, V Baujard, S Aurel, M Selby, RD Appel
International Journal of Medical Informatics 47 (1-2), 27-29, 1997
Additional telemedicine rounds as a successful performance-improvement strategy for sepsis management: observational multicenter study
R Deisz, S Rademacher, K Gilger, R Jegen, B Sauerzapfe, C Fitzner, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 21 (1), e11161, 2019
MARVIN, multi-agent softbot to retrieve multilingual medical information on the Web
O Baujard, V Baujard, S Aurel, C Boyer, RD Appel
Medical Informatics 23 (3), 187-191, 1998
Opinions and e-health behaviours of patients and health professionals in the USA and Europe
M Provost, M Perri, V Baujard, C Boyer
The New Navigators: from Professionals to Patients, 695-700, 2003
A decade devoted to improving online health information quality
C Boyer, A Geissbuhler
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 116, 891-896, 2005
User-oriented evaluation of a medical image retrieval system for radiologists
D Markonis, M Holzer, F Baroz, RLR De Castaneda, C Boyer, G Langs, ...
International journal of medical informatics 84 (10), 774-783, 2015
How to sort trustworthy health online information? Improvements of the automated detection of HONcode criteria
C Boyer, C Frossard, A Gaudinat, A Hanbury, G Falquetd
Procedia computer science 121, 940-949, 2017
Accessing reliable health information on the Web: a review of the HON approach
C Boyer, A Gaudinat, A Hanbury, RD Appel, MJ Ball, M Carpentier, ...
MEDINFO 2017: Precision Healthcare through Informatics, 1004-1008, 2017
KHRESMOI: towards a multi-lingual search and access system for biomedical information
A Hanbury, C Boyer, M Gschwandtner, H Müller
Med-e-Tel, Luxembourg 2011, 412-416, 2011
What about trust in the question answering world
S Cruchet, A Gaudinat, T Rindflesch, C Boyer
AMIA 2009 annual symposium, 2009
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