Inter-industry wage differentials in EU countries: what do cross-country time varying data add to the picture? P Du Caju, A Lamo, S Poelhekke, G Kátay, D Nicolitsas Journal of the European Economic Association 8 (2-3), 478-486, 2010 | 107 | 2010 |
Assessing the economic and social impact of tax and benefit reforms: A general-equilibrium microsimulation approach applied to Hungary P Benczúr, G Kátay, A Kiss Economic Modelling 75, 441-457, 2018 | 86* | 2018 |
Do firms provide wage insurance against shocks? G Kátay The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 118 (1), 105-128, 2016 | 38* | 2016 |
Investment behavior, user cost and monetary policy transmission: The case of Hungary G Kátay, Z Wolf MNB Working Papers, 2004 | 38 | 2004 |
Income taxation, transfers and labour supply at the extensive margin P Benczúr, G Kátay, Á Kiss, OM Rácz Banque de France Working Paper, 2014 | 34 | 2014 |
Driving forces behind changes in the aggregate labour force participation in Hungary G Kátay, B Nobilis MNB Working Papers, 2009 | 27 | 2009 |
Currency matching by non-financial corporations P Harasztosi, G Kátay Journal of Banking & Finance 113, 105739, 2020 | 26 | 2020 |
Driving factors of growth in Hungary-a decomposition exercise G Kátay, Z Wolf MNB Working Papers, 2008 | 26* | 2008 |
Floods and firms: vulnerabilities and resilience to natural disasters in Europe S Fatica, G Kátay, M Rancan Available at SSRN 4796097, 2024 | 23 | 2024 |
Analysis of changes in the tax and transfer system with a behavioural microsimulation model P Benczúr, G Kátay, Á Kiss, B Reizer, M Szoboszlai MNB Bulletin (discontinued) 6 (3), 15-27, 2011 | 23* | 2011 |
Hogyan növelhető az adórendszer hatékonysága Á Scharle, P Benczúr, G Kátay, B Váradi How can the tax system’s effectiveness be enhanced, 2010 | 23* | 2010 |
Az alacsony aktivitás és foglalkoztatottság okai és következményei Magyarországon K Gábor MNB tanulmányok 79, 38-41, 2009 | 22* | 2009 |
Tax-benefit systems and differences in aggregate labour force participation: Comparative evidence from the Czech Republic and Hungary K Galuščák, G Kátay Economic Systems 43 (3-4), 100701, 2019 | 13* | 2019 |
The Hungarian labour market in 2011-2012 Z Cseres-Gergely, G Kátay, B Szörfi Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences …, 2013 | 12* | 2013 |
Labour market modelling in the light of the financial crisis P Lafourcade, A Gerali, J Brůha, D Bursian, G Buss, V Corbo, M Haavio, ... ECB Occasional Paper, 2016 | 11 | 2016 |
„Az adóváltozások hatásainak elemzése mikroszimulációs modellek segítségével” D Benedek, G Kátay, Á Kiss Fazekas K.–Benczúr P.–Telegdy Á.(szerk.): Munkaerőpiaci Tükör, 2012 | 7* | 2012 |
Downward wage rigidity in hungary G Kátay ECB Working Paper, 2011 | 7 | 2011 |
A bérhányad hazai és nemzetközi összefüggései K Gábor, KM András, P Gábor Megjelent: Jelentés a pénzügyi stabilitásról. Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Budapest, 2004 | 4 | 2004 |
Addressing physical climate risk: the case of flood protection S Fatica, G Katay, M Rancan Reference Collection in Social Sciences, 1-3, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
Microsimulation as a tool for assessing the impact of tax changes D Benedek, G Kátay, Á Kiss 2013), The Hungarian Labour Market, 2013 | 3 | 2013 |