patrick reignier
patrick reignier
Professor of Computer Science, Grenoble INP, LIG
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Perceptual components for context aware computing
JL Crowley, J Coutaz, G Rey, P Reignier
UbiComp 2002: Ubiquitous Computing: 4th International Conference Göteborg …, 2002
Learning situation models in a smart home
O Brdiczka, JL Crowley, P Reignier
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 39 …, 2008
Fuzzy logic techniques for mobile robot obstacle avoidance
P Reignier
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 12 (3-4), 143-153, 1994
Automatic detection of interaction groups
O Brdiczka, J Maisonnasse, P Reignier
Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Multimodal interfaces, 32-36, 2005
Detecting individual activities from video in a smart home
O Brdiczka, P Reignier, JL Crowley
International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and …, 2007
Incremental supervised learning for mobile robot reactive control
P Reignier, V Hansen, JL Crowley
Robotics and autonomous systems 19 (3-4), 247-257, 1997
Learning situation models for providing context-aware services
O Brdiczka, JL Crowley, P Reignier
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Ambient Interaction: 4th …, 2007
Asynchronous control of rotation and translation for a robot vehicle
JL Crowley, P Reignier
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 10 (4), 243-251, 1992
Arévi: A virtual reality multiagent platform
P Reignier, F Harrouet, S Morvan, J Tisseau, T Duval
Virtual Worlds: First International Conference, VW’98 Paris, France, July 1 …, 1998
Automatic acquisition of context models and its application to video surveillance
O Brdiczka, PC Yuen, S Zaidenberg, P Reignier, JL Crowley
18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06) 1, 1175-1178, 2006
Supervised learning of an abstract context model for an intelligent environment
O Brdiczka, P Reignier, JL Crowley
Proceedings of the 2005 joint conference on smart objects and ambient …, 2005
Put fuzzy cognitive maps to work in virtual worlds
M Parenthoën, P Reignier, J Tisseau
10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems.(Cat. No. 01CH37297) 1 …, 2001
Learning to categorize perceptual space of a mobile robot using fuzzy-art neural network
A Dubrawski, P Reignier
Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and …, 1994
Robust visual tracking from dynamic control of processing
A Caporossi, D Hall, P Reignier, JL Crowley, IRA PRIMA-GRAVIR
International Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Tracking and …, 2004
Context‐aware environments: from specification to implementation
P Reignier, O Brdiczka, D Vaufreydaz, JL Crowley, J Maisonnasse
Expert systems 24 (5), 305-320, 2007
ENVIRONNEMENT DE DEVELOPPEMENT DE SYSTEMES MULTI-AGENTS-oRis: un environnement de simulation interactive multi-agents
F Harrouet, J Tisseau, P Reignier, P Chevaillier
TSI-Technique et Science Informatiques-RAIRO 21 (4), 499-524, 2002
Dynamic Modeling of Free-Space for a Mobile Robot.
JL Crowley, P Reignier, P Bobet
IROS, 626-633, 1989
Pilotage réactif d'un robot mobile: étude du lien entre la perception et l'action
P Reignier
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble-INPG, 1994
Unmasking the causal relationships latent in the interplay between occupant’s actions and indoor ambience: A building energy management outlook
M Pal, AA Alyafi, S Ploix, P Reignier, S Bandyopadhyay
Applied Energy 238, 1452-1470, 2019
Detecting small group activities from multimodal observations
O Brdiczka, J Maisonnasse, P Reignier, JL Crowley
Applied Intelligence 30 (1), 47-57, 2009
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