Rui Yang
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Common core standards: The new US intended curriculum
A Porter, J McMaken, J Hwang, R Yang
Educational researcher 40 (3), 103-116, 2011
Focusing on Mathematical Knowledge: The Impact of Content-Intensive Teacher Professional Development. NCEE 2016-4010.
MS Garet, JB Heppen, K Walters, J Parkinson, TM Smith, M Song, ...
National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, 2016
Does content-focused teacher professional development work? Findings from three Institute of Education Sciences studies
MS Garet, J Heppen, K Walters, T Smith, R Yang
National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Institute …, 2016
Assessing the common core standards: Opportunities for improving measures of instruction
A Porter, J McMaken, J Hwang, R Yang
Educational Researcher 40 (4), 186-188, 2011
Promoting deeper learning in high school: Evidence of opportunities and outcomes
J Rickles, KL Zeiser, R Yang, J O’Day, MS Garet
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 41 (2), 214-234, 2019
Constructing aligned assessments using automated test construction
A Porter, MS Polikoff, KM Barghaus, R Yang
Educational Researcher 42 (8), 415-423, 2013
Looking under the hood of competency-based education: the relationship between competency-based education practices and students' learning Skills, behaviors, and dispositions
A Hauser
American Institutes for Research, 2016
Curriculum‐based teacher professional development in middle school science: A comparison of training focused on cognitive science principles versus content knowledge
R Yang, AC Porter, CM Massey, JF Merlino, LM Desimone
Journal of research in science teaching 57 (4), 536-566, 2020
Did states’ adoption of more rigorous standards lead to improved student achievement? Evidence from a comparative interrupted time series study of standards-based reform
M Song, MS Garet, R Yang, D Atchison
American Educational Research Journal 59 (3), 610-647, 2022
Technology Use in Instruction and Teacher Perceptions of School Support for Technology Use in Iowa High Schools. REL 2019-004.
J Margolin, J Pan, R Yang
Regional Educational Laboratory Midwest, 2019
The role of non-cognitive skills in students' academic performance and life satisfaction: A longitudinal study of resilience
R Yang
University of Pennsylvania, 2014
Effects of states’ implementation of College-and Career-Ready Standards on student achievement
M Song, R Yang, M Garet
annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, ON …, 2019
Randomized controlled trials
R Boruch, R Yang, JM Hyatt, H Turner III
Handbook of social policy evaluation, 15-37, 2017
The effects of scholarship amount on yield and success for master's students in education
A Porter, R Yang, J Hwang, J McMaken, J Rorison
Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 7 (2), 166-182, 2014
Children's Knowledge and Skills at Kindergarten Entry in Illinois: Results from the First Statewide Administration of the Kindergarten Individual Development Survey. REL 2020-012.
J Bowdon, K Dahlke, R Yang, J Pan, J Marcus, C Lemieux
Regional Educational Laboratory Midwest, 2019
Online Credit Recovery: Implementation and Initial Impact of a Prevalent Practice.
J Rickles, R Yang, P Clements, IB de los Reyes, J Heppen
Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, 2020
Scientific Evidence for the Validity of the New Mexico Kindergarten Observation Tool. REL 2018-281.
K Dahlke, R Yang, C Martínez, S Chavez, A Martin, L Hawkinson, ...
Regional Educational Laboratory Southwest, 2017
Standards Implementation in Ohio: Local Perspectives on Policy, Challenges, Resources, and Instruction.
LM Desimone, AK Edgerton, R Yang
Center on Standards, Alignment, Instruction, and Learning, 2017
Early Effects of States' Adoption of College-and Career-Ready Standards on Student Achievement.
M Song, R Yang, MS Garet
AERA Online Paper Repository, 2017
MS Polikoff, AC Porter, KM Barghaus, R Yang
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