Javad Tayyebi
Javad Tayyebi
Birjand University of Technology
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Multiobjective security game with fuzzy payoffs
H Bigdeli, H Hassanpour, J Tayyebi
Iranian journal of fuzzy systems 16 (1), 89-101, 2019
A compromise solution for the neutrosophic multi-objective linear programming problem and its application in transportation problem
E Hosseinzadeh, J Tayyebi
Journal of applied research on industrial engineering 10 (1), 1-10, 2023
On inverse linear programming problems under the bottleneck-type weighted Hamming distance
J Tayyebi, M Aman
Discrete Applied Mathematics 240, 92-101, 2018
Constrained bimatrix games with fuzzy goals and its application in nuclear negotiations
H Bigdeli, H Hassanpour, J Tayyebi
Iranian journal of numerical analysis and optimization 8 (1), 81-110, 2018
Optimistic and pessimistic solutions of single and multi-objective matrix games with fuzzy payoffs and analysis of some military cases
H Bigdeli, H Hassanpour, J Tayyebi
Journal of Advanced Defense Science & Technology 8 (2), 133-145, 2017
Minimum st-cut interdiction problem
A Abdolahzadeh, M Aman, J Tayyebi
Computers & Industrial Engineering 148, 106708, 2020
Maximum capacity path interdiction problem with fixed costs
A Mohammadi, J Tayyebi
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 36 (04), 1950018, 2019
Inverse generalized maximum flow problems
J Tayyebi, A Deaconu
Mathematics 7 (10), 899, 2019
Note on “Inverse minimum cost flow problems under the weighted Hamming distance”
J Tayyebi, M Aman
European Journal of Operational Research 234 (3), 916-920, 2014
Reverse maximum flow problem under the weighted Chebyshev distance
J Tayyebi, A Mohammadi, SMR Kazemi
RAIRO-Operations Research-Recherche Opérationnelle 52 (4-5), 1107-1121, 2018
Efficient algorithms for the reverse shortest path problem on trees under the hamming distance
J Tayyebi, M Aman
YUJOR 27 (1), 46-60, 2017
Further study on reverse 1-center problem on trees
AR Sepasian, J Tayyebi
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 37 (06), 2050034, 2020
Partial inverse min–max spanning tree problem
J Tayyebi, AR Sepasian
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 40 (4), 1075-1091, 2020
A fuzzy c-means algorithm for clustering fuzzy data and its application in clustering incomplete data
J Tayyebi, E Hosseinzadeh
Journal of AI and Data Mining 8 (4), 515-523, 2020
Reverse 1-centre problem on trees under convex piecewise-linear cost function
J Tayyebi, A Reza Sepasian
Optimization 72 (3), 843-860, 2023
The continuous maximum capacity path interdiction problem
J Tayyebi, A Mitra, JA Sefair
European Journal of Operational Research 305 (1), 38-52, 2023
Fuzzy multi-objective, multi-period integrated routing–scheduling problem to distribute relief to disaster areas: a hybrid Ant Colony optimization approach
M Niksirat, M Saffarian, J Tayyebi, AM Deaconu, DE Spridon
Mathematics 12 (18), 2844, 2024
On the inverse maximum perfect matching problem under the bottleneck-type Hamming distance
J Tayyebi
Communications in Combinatorics and Optimization 4 (1), 35-46, 2019
Distribution Center Positioning and Territory Design in Supply Chain
F Ghollasimood, H Hoseini-nasab, J Tayyebi, MB Fakhrzad
Industrial Management Journal 11 (1), 133-156, 2019
Inverse eccentric vertex problem on trees
J Tayyebi, M Aman
Pacific Journal of Optimization 14 (2), 245-260, 2018
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