Artigos com autorizações de acesso público - Jesus DelegidoSaiba mais
Não disponíveis em nenhum local: 3
A red-edge spectral index for remote sensing estimation of green LAI over agroecosystems
J Delegido, J Verrelst, CM Meza, JP Rivera, L Alonso, J Moreno
European Journal of Agronomy 46, 42-52, 2013
Autorizações: Government of Spain
Retrieval of vegetation biophysical parameters using Gaussian process techniques
J Verrelst, L Alonso, G Camps-Valls, J Delegido, J Moreno
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 50 (5), 1832-1843, 2011
Autorizações: Government of Spain
Brown and green LAI mapping through spectral indices
J Delegido, J Verrelst, JP Rivera, A Ruiz-Verdú, J Moreno
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 35 …, 2015
Autorizações: Government of Spain
Disponíveis em algum local: 39
Machine learning regression algorithms for biophysical parameter retrieval: Opportunities for Sentinel-2 and-3
J Verrelst, J Muñoz, L Alonso, J Delegido, JP Rivera, G Camps-Valls, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 118, 127-139, 2012
Autorizações: Government of Spain
Spectral band selection for vegetation properties retrieval using Gaussian processes regression
J Verrelst, JP Rivera, A Gitelson, J Delegido, J Moreno, G Camps-Valls
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 52 …, 2016
Autorizações: European Commission, Government of Spain
Multi-crop green LAI estimation with a new simple Sentinel-2 LAI Index (SeLI)
N Pasqualotto, J Delegido, S Van Wittenberghe, M Rinaldi, J Moreno
Sensors 19 (4), 904, 2019
Autorizações: European Commission, Government of Spain
Evaluation of atmospheric correction algorithms over Spanish inland waters for sentinel-2 multi spectral imagery data
M Pereira-Sandoval, A Ruescas, P Urrego, A Ruiz-Verdú, J Delegido, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (12), 1469, 2019
Autorizações: Government of Spain
Upward and downward solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence yield indices of four tree species as indicators of traffic pollution in Valencia
S Van Wittenberghe, L Alonso, J Verrelst, I Hermans, J Delegido, ...
Environmental Pollution 173, 29-37, 2013
Autorizações: Government of Spain
Integrated satellite data fusion and mining for monitoring lake water quality status of the Albufera de Valencia in Spain
C Doña, NB Chang, V Caselles, JM Sánchez, A Camacho, J Delegido, ...
Journal of environmental management 151, 416-426, 2015
Autorizações: Government of Spain
On the semi-automatic retrieval of biophysical parameters based on spectral index optimization
JP Rivera, J Verrelst, J Delegido, F Veroustraete, J Moreno
Remote Sensing 6 (6), 4927-4951, 2014
Autorizações: Government of Spain
Retrieval of canopy water content of different crop types with two new hyperspectral indices: Water Absorption Area Index and Depth Water Index
N Pasqualotto, J Delegido, S Van Wittenberghe, J Verrelst, JP Rivera, ...
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 67, 69-78, 2018
Autorizações: European Commission, Government of Spain
Remote sensing of cyanobacterial blooms in a hypertrophic lagoon (Albufera of València, Eastern Iberian Peninsula) using multitemporal Sentinel-2 images
X Sòria-Perpinyà, E Vicente, P Urrego, M Pereira-Sandoval, A Ruíz-Verdú, ...
Science of the Total Environment 698, 134305, 2020
Autorizações: Government of Spain
Análisis de métodos de validación cruzada para la obtención robusta de parámetros biofísicos
L Pérez-Planells, J Delegido, JP Rivera-Caicedo, J Verrelst
Revista de teledetección, 55-65, 2015
Autorizações: Government of Spain
Retrieval of evapotranspiration from sentinel-2: Comparison of vegetation indices, semi-empirical models and SNAP biophysical processor approach
N Pasqualotto, G D’Urso, SF Bolognesi, OR Belfiore, S Van Wittenberghe, ...
Agronomy 9 (10), 663, 2019
Autorizações: European Commission, Government of Spain
Chlorophyll content mapping of urban vegetation in the city of Valencia based on the hyperspectral NAOC index
J Delegido, S Van Wittenberghe, J Verrelst, V Ortiz, F Veroustraete, ...
Ecological Indicators 40, 34-42, 2014
Autorizações: Government of Spain
Validation of water quality monitoring algorithms for sentinel-2 and sentinel-3 in mediterranean inland waters with in situ reflectance data
X Sòria-Perpinyà, E Vicente, P Urrego, M Pereira-Sandoval, C Tenjo, ...
Water 13 (5), 686, 2021
Autorizações: Government of Spain
Towards the combination of C2RCC processors for improving water quality retrieval in inland and coastal areas
J Soriano-González, EP Urrego, X Sòria-Perpinyà, E Angelats, C Alcaraz, ...
Remote Sensing 14 (5), 1124, 2022
Autorizações: Government of Spain
Improving the remote estimation of soil organic carbon in complex ecosystems with Sentinel-2 and GIS using Gaussian processes regression
JE Ayala Izurieta, CA Jara Santillán, CO Márquez, VJ García, ...
Plant and soil 479 (1), 159-183, 2022
Autorizações: European Commission
Turbidez y profundidad de disco de Secchi con Sentinel-2 en embalses con diferente estado trófico en la Comunidad Valenciana
J Delegido, P Urrego, E Vicente, X Sòria-Perpinyà, JM Soria, ...
Revista de Teledetección, 15-24, 2019
Autorizações: Government of Spain
Monitoring water transparency of a hypertrophic lake (the Albufera of València) using multitemporal Sentinel-2 satellite images
X Sòria-Perpinyà, EP Urrego, M Pereira-Sandoval, A Ruiz-Verdú, ...
Limnetica 39 (1), 373-386, 2020
Autorizações: Government of Spain
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