Michel Marina
Michel Marina
INEFC Barcelona
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Jumping performance profile of male and female gymnasts
M Marina, M Jemni, F Rodríguez
The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 53 (4), 378-86, 2013
Isometric knee extensor fatigue following a Wingate test: peripheral and central mechanisms
M Fernandez‐del‐Olmo, FA Rodriguez, G Marquez, X Iglesias, M Marina, ...
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 23 (1), 57-65, 2013
Valoración de la condición física saludable en adultos (1): antecedentes y protocolos de la batería AFISAL-INEFC
FA Rodriguez, N Gusi, A Valenzuela, S Nàcher, J Nogués, M Marina
Apunts. Educación física y deportes 2 (52), 54-77, 1998
Plyometric training performance in elite-oriented prepubertal female gymnasts
M Marina, M Jemni
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 28 (4), 1015-1025, 2014
Physiological demands of young women’s competitive gymnastic routines
M Marina, FA Rodríguez
Biology of Sport 31 (2), 217-222, 2014
Evaluation of health-related fitness in adults (I): background and protocols of the AFISAL-INEFC battery
FA Rodriguez, N Gusi, A Valenzuela, S Nacher, J Nogues, M Marina
Apunts Educacion Fisica y Deportes 52, 54-76, 1998
Plyometric jumping performances of male and female gymnasts from different heights
M Marina, M Jemni, FA Rodríguez, A Jimenez
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 26 (7), 1879-1886, 2012
Talla, peso, somatotipo y composición corporal en gimnastas de élite españolas (gimnasia rítmica) desde la infancia hasta la edad adulta.
AI AmIgó, VP Sala, AB Faciabén, MM Evrard, MC Marginet, LR Zamora
Apunts. Educación física y deportes 1 (95), 64-74, 2009
Changes in the muscle activity of gymnasts during a handstand on various apparatus
A Kochanowicz, B Niespodziński, J Mieszkowski, M Marina, ...
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 33 (6), 1609-1618, 2019
Nutritional behavior of cyclists during a 24-hour team relay race: a field study report
R Bescós, FA Rodríguez, X Iglesias, B Knechtle, A Benítez, M Marina, ...
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 9 (1), 3, 2012
Talla, peso, somatotipo y composición corporal en gimnastas de elite españoles desde la infancia hasta la edad adulta
AI Amigó, AB Faciabén, MM Evrard, PAG Ballarini, MC Marginet
Apunts. Medicina de l'Esport 44 (161), 18-28, 2009
Monitoring hand flexor fatigue in a 24-hour motorcycle endurance race
M Marina, J Porta, L Vallejo, RM Angulo-Barroso
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 20, 255-261, 2011
Differing roles of functional movement variability as experience increases in gymnastics
A Busquets, M Marina, K Davids, R Angulo-Barroso
Journal of sports science & medicine 15 (2), 268, 2016
Relationship between postural control and muscle activity during a handstand in young and adult gymnasts
A Kochanowicz, B Niespodziński, M Marina, J Mieszkowski, L Biskup, ...
Human Movement Science 58, 195-204, 2018
Age and gymnastic experience effects on sensory reweighting processes during quiet stand
A Busquets, S Aranda-Garcia, B Ferrer-Uris, M Marina, R Angulo-Barroso
Gait & posture 63, 177-183, 2018
Comparison of an intermittent and continuous forearm muscles fatigue protocol with motorcycle riders and controll group
M Marina, P Torrado, JG Rios, A Busquets, RM Angulo-Barroso
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 23, 84-93, 2013
Exercise improves depression through positive modulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). A review based on 100 manuscripts over 20 years
M Jemni, R Zaman, FR Carrick, ND Clarke, M Marina, L Bottoms, ...
Frontiers in Physiology 14, 1102526, 2023
Does gymnastics practice improve vertical jump reliability from the age of 8 to 10 years?
M Marina, P Torrado
Journal of Sports Sciences 31 (11), 1177-1186, 2013
Reliability and validity of a custom-made instrument including a hand-held dynamometer for measuring trunk muscle strength
J Jubany, A Busquets, M Marina, F Cos, R Angulo-Barroso
Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 28 (2), 317-326, 2015
High energy deficit in an ultraendurance athlete in a 24-hour ultracycling race
R Bescós, FA Rodríguez, X Iglesias, A Benítez, M Marina, JM Padullés, ...
Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings 25 (2), 124-128, 2012
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