Edward A. Codling
Edward A. Codling
Professor of Mathematical Biology, School of Mathematics, University of Essex, UK
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Random walk models in biology
EA Codling, MJ Plank, S Benhamou
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 5 (25), 813-834, 2008
Classification of behaviour in housed dairy cows using an accelerometer-based activity monitoring system
JAV Diosdado, ZE Barker, HR Hodges, JR Amory, DP Croft, NJ Bell, ...
Animal Biotelemetry 3 (1), 15, 2015
Collective animal navigation and migratory culture: from theoretical models to empirical evidence
AM Berdahl, AB Kao, A Flack, PAH Westley, EA Codling, ID Couzin, ...
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 373 (1746), 20170009, 2018
Group navigation and the “many-wrongs principle” in models of animal movement
EA Codling, JW Pitchford, SD Simpson
Ecology 88 (7), 1864-1870, 2007
Human exit route choice in virtual crowd evacuations
NWF Bode, EA Codling
Animal Behaviour 86, 347-358, 2013
Use of novel sensors combining local positioning and acceleration to measure feeding behavior differences associated with lameness in dairy cattle
ZE Barker, JAV Diosdado, EA Codling, NJ Bell, HR Hodges, DP Croft, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 101 (7), 6310-6321, 2018
Sampling rate effects on measurements of correlated and biased random walks
EA Codling, NA Hill
Journal of Theoretical Biology 233 (4), 573-588, 2005
Sampling rate and misidentification of Lévy and non-Lévy movement paths
MJ Plank, EA Codling
Ecology 90 (12), 3546-3553, 2009
Habitat quality affects sound production and likely distance of detection on coral reefs
JJB Piercy, EA Codling, AJ Hill, DJ Smith, SD Simpson
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 516, 35-47, 2014
Human responses to multiple sources of directional information in virtual crowd evacuations
NWF Bode, AUK Wagoum, EA Codling
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 11 (91), 20130904, 2014
Managing mobile species with MPAs: the effects of mobility, larval dispersal, and fishing mortality on closure size
WJF Le Quesne, EA Codling
ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil 66 (1), 122-131, 2009
Random walk models for the movement and recruitment of reef fish larvae
EA Codling, NA Hill, JW Pitchford, SD Simpson
Marine Ecology Progress Series 279, 215-224, 2004
Uncertainty and sustainability in fisheries and the benefit of marine protected areas
JW Pitchford, EA Codling, D Psarra
Ecological Modelling 207 (2-4), 286-292, 2007
Information use by humans during dynamic route choice in virtual crowd evacuations
NWF Bode, AUK Wagoum, EA Codling
Royal Society Open Science 2 (1), 140410, 2015
Diffusion about the mean drift location in a biased random walk
EA Codling, RN Bearon, GJ Thorn
Ecology 91 (10), 3106-3113, 2010
‘Cheap and dirty’fisheries science and management in the North Atlantic
CJ Kelly, EA Codling
Fisheries Research 79 (3), 233-238, 2006
On scientists’ discomfort in fisheries advisory science: the example of simulation‐based fisheries management‐strategy evaluations
S Kraak, CJ Kelly, EA Codling, E Rogan
Fish and Fisheries 11 (2), 119-132, 2010
The Irish Sea cod recovery plan: some lessons learned
CJ Kelly, EA Codling, E Rogan
ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil 63 (4), 600-610, 2006
Navigation in human crowds; testing the many-wrongs principle
JJ Faria, EA Codling, JRG Dyer, F Trillmich, J Krause
Animal Behaviour 78 (3), 587-591, 2009
Bloom Formation and Turing Patterns in an Infochemical Mediated Multitrophic Plankton Model
TAS Al-Karkhi, R Kusdiantara, H Susanto, EA Codling
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 30 (10), 2030028, 2020
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